UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Ruth16 on March 31, 2008, 13:44:30
Don't get too excited people, but Lidl are flogging a kayak today....
http://www.lidl.ie/ie/home.nsf/pages/c.o.20080331.p.WhitewaterKayakwithPaddle (http://www.lidl.ie/ie/home.nsf/pages/c.o.20080331.p.WhitewaterKayakwithPaddle)
its an eskimo, and its a heap of shit.... you have been warned!!!
Had a look at it last year. Very basic, you can get a better deal from I-canoe or greatoutdoors. The boat has no backrest and no adjustable bulkhead, just pegs.
i bought one today and took it for a spin its fucking great!
Yeah Right.
Simon you shitebag- you just want freshers to go out and waste their money on that lidl tub of plastic, don't you?!!
dave just cause you have dagger plastic shoved so much up your ass its coming out your ears, dont go judging this boat without giving it a go.
its got great straight line speed and its a great boofer!!
pia look you! your far to young for me to even bother trying to explain what makes a great creek boat. ill give you a demo of mine and then you'll see.
(Somebody insert dave byrne endorsing product picture please)
I'll have you know simon that on the 13th of May we shall be the same age
I would never pretend to know anything about creekboats-i'm so hard core i just paddle everything in a playboat. You can stick that demo offer up your ass. That's right! Why don't you run along now and paddle in a straight line in your really cool lidl boat?
We can't all be as hardcore as me simon, don't feel bad.
shit dude, you got served by a nineteen yrold... ;D
.. i'm disappointed to say the least simon, its pia... she's way EASY to slag, just look at the material :P
from one shit boat to another.... and even more surprising its from dagger :o
its an eskimo, and its a heap of shit.... you have been warned!!!
Think about this: There is no such thing as bad weather, just inapropriate clothing.
lidl is also doing great deals on:
mmmm 4% off!!!!!!!! what a great deal, dont get too excited
Think about this: There is no such thing as bad weather, just inapropriate clothing.
true statement bren.
But i can only imagine then, that this boat would be best suited to the sporadic outdoor enthusiast... you know the type, the type of person who also enjoys air-lifts and mountain rescue searches and the like.
Simon, I don't doubt Lidl Plastic, I'm sure it's of the same high quality as their fortified wine: Schooner....
I just know that you didn't buy a creeker.
Schooner is made of Tesco plastic. Lidl, I believe, use rotomolded Hoch.
We can't all be as hardcore as me simon, don't feel bad.
your right there, the winner of the female clifden rodeo would know about being hard core, where the best move is a flat spin and front surfing will probably get you on the irish freestyle team.
damn the lot of you, freshers if you looking for a boat which is cheap and casn definitly be brought over seas to places like BC, the french alps and Norway just buy this, everyone else is so brand loyal they'll never say anything could about it. i love it!!
I'm surprised Dave's not spreading word about this boat as vigourously as he spread yeast infections over most of the countries bordering the alps. Think about it Dave, when you borrow and trash this boat it's only gonna cost you a fraction of the previous ones. Plus I'm sure they'll take back the wrecked remains of the tub, stick it in the oven with a load of returned broken plastic tupperware products and spit out a new one for half the price.
Pia's just been on to me. Apparently the club's put in an order for ten of these bad boys. They'll be perfect for all levels of learning.
oh i thought we had agreed on fifteen
what model of eskimo is it simon?
The only gay type.
Group hug ::)
its called the eskimo fuse dave, because once you light the fuse its like a rocket, fast, dangerous and deadly
It's deadly and dangerous cos it's got foot pegs instead of a foot plate....