UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Karen on April 02, 2008, 23:08:32
Has anyone got any gear that I could possible borrow for the weekend? I pretty much need the whole shabang; boat, paddles, helmet, as well as any slings, carabiners, harnesses, ropes etc that I can get my hands on. Anyhoo, anything that could be lent would be greatly appreciated!
p.s. I will pay with cake! ;D
you do know that there is a club trip on saturday right.
Yeah, but if I go on the safety weekend I'd like to
oh yah cool.
Would you paddle a Nomad? I Don't know how much of my gear will fit you but you're welcome to borrow it.
Would be interesting, but the trips off though so I won't be needing anything. Thanks anyway though!
No Worries
ill have your nomad dave.... if your giving it away.
then ritchie can cut it up to make a sqirt boat
Seriously simon, If you wanted a boat to cut up could you not have asked during the summer when I had about 6 of them?
i have the power!!!
btw i have heaps of gear if needed.