UCD Canoe Club
Boats and Gear => Lost and Found => Topic started by: I'm From You on August 10, 2008, 20:36:07
Hey guys,
I finally got speaking with the lovely chappys from Bray Harbour this morning who "rescued" my boat from the Dargle last Thursday week. I think it is official now that they are not giving it back. Bray Garda station have set up a crack team of elites who are working on the case day and night. So far they have one name, unfortunatley that's my name. I'm sure its only a matter of time before they close in on the criminals though!
So in the unlikely event that the Gardaà do not get any strong leads I'm just letting people know so that nobody buys it not knowing that its stolen.
The boat is an orange Bliss-Stick Scud. Has my name on the inside (John Flanagan). The back security bar is slightly bent.
Fairly unlikely that its going to turn up but just so y'all know.
If anyone sees anything maybe they could let me know. My number is 086 3765488.
Oh and could someone maybe post this up on Irish Freestyle for me as I can't remember my login details! Thanks
Its now posted up on Irish Freestyle.
Hope ya have some luck in getting it back
Sorry to hear that John...you've had enough bad luck with boats over the years...
Cheers Colin, yeah what are you gonna do? Scum will be scum! Anyone wanna go cutting ropes on boats in Bray Harbour? If we find them after we cut them then we can keep them!