UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Monkey Loving Bob on November 14, 2008, 10:19:05
That's right folks I'm opening that can of worms :o
Ok, so I am once more in the market for a playboat, I've got one or two in mind however ever the person to be open to new experiences I'm keeping an open mind on what I should be looking at. The reason I'm moving on from the agent is that I find it a bit too big for me and I suck at playboating, I'm not a blunting/backstabbing/phonix donkey monkey flipping hero - I'm just looking for something comfortable, slightly lower volume, easier to cartwheel, etc...
That pretty much sums up what I'm looking for, but I'm also vain, so it's gotta look cool ;D
I jest, but any opinions are welcomed - just try and back them up with a reason beyond 'I think it's great because I have one and love it'
I like the superstar, I think it's great because I have one ::). I find very comfartable and like the outfiitting. However I suck worse at playboating than you do, I have to say it really likes the surfing and once I got used to it, it was as much fun as the I3 was. I tried the project it was just a little to small in the medium and to big in it's large version. I didn't mind the zg but overall the superstar covered what I was looking for. A good boat to bring on easy rivers and to go surfing with, I know you have views on the thigh grips or lack thereof, but happy feet with happy cheeks make it a very comfortable option for me.
but any opinions are welcomed
Fair enough; I don't see what you've got to be so vain about.
You're welcome.
may i ask what ones you have in mind?
have you tried the medium boats? you can try my project 45 anytime.
hmm, well clearly I can't convince you to get another dagger agent ;) .... i'd try the jackson, when i paddled cians it was really comfortable, and very easy to paddle, despite me being way off the right weight.. possible the best cartwheel boat i've paddled since the wavesporrt xxx...
while i'm talking about the jackson, for anyone out there paddling one, do you find the backrest slips down a lot?? I've heard it from one or two owners.
go for another Agent...... red instead of green. (i'd be interested to see if it makes any difference??)
The Jackson backrest is crap! Has anyone figured out how to make it better? It might as well not be there. Does replacing it work?
Other than that the boat is great... come on Kylie... join the cool kids, get an allstar!!! :D
Right boats I intend on looking at are:
Wavesport ZG54 - Because it seems to tick all the boxes, still a little tight as far as I remember though, but I loved it when I tried it before.
Project 62 - Because everyone and their uncle who doesn't have a star seems to have a project and they can't all be wrong
Superstar - As above, just swap the 'star' and 'project'
Riot Flair & Astro - I have vague recollections of sitting in a flair and saying wow this is comfy, so I'm gonna give 'em a go
Bliss-Stick Smoothy - because I love my Mystic and will try anything BlissStick made at the mo.
That's my list at the moment, but open to review at any time.
Sara, thanks for the offer but Dave Coxes Project 52 was like a pair of size six shoes on me, no way I was getting into that!!!
Ritchie, fair point in that it's gonna be swapping like for like with any of the big manufaturers boats really, all i'm doing is looking for a boat that fits me - after that it's all down to my own ability.
Cheers so far,
you can try my project 62 if you like but it might be a bit big if the agent is
id go for the zg 54 its a great boat
Kylie, i think you've been on this board long enough to realise that all suggestions regarding boats are completely pointless, just get out there and try them and make your own mind up. There are boats out there which i think are heaps of crap, other people love them..... different boats, different strokes!!!
Having said that try and get your hands on Lorcans/Billys ZG for a go.
have you tryed the agent....
my size one?? you'll fit in that.
Theirs a lovely boat for sale here (http://www.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,7871.0.html).
I love the jackson, it's a very forgiving boat, and very easy to throw around. It loops by itself.
What's wrong with your backrest JOdy? Is it broken or is it just not sticking?
DAve showed me how to work my one. I was confuzzled til then.
yeah i also find the backrest is rather crap, slides down all the time. maybe there is a knack to using it that i don't know?
My Jackson backrest is the best backrest I've ever had, and my G-force has been through about four of them by now from diff makes.
Makes I find bad include:
Immersion Research = worst
Dagger = 2nd worst
Bliss-Stick = 2nd best
Jackson = best
based on comfort and durability.
Not that it matters.
gee kill why can't you just agree with the rest of us
always has to be so awkward ::)
i think my back rest is the dogs dangilies. dead comfy, realy easy to adjust, wont seeze up if i take it into surf. it is simple and ingenious. jody, are you sure you are using it right?
I dunno, the concept of a backrest is a tricky one to figure out Cian.
I'm sure i probably have no idea what i'm doing with it, sure i'm just a girl... enlighten me.
well you see jody it is that thing at the back of the cockpit, (the big round holw in the top of your boat) that looks like a seat belt .............
narkey arent you?
im just saying that you wouldnt be the first person (in this thread) who wasnt using their back rest properly. you seem to be having a lot of difficulty with the back rest, this would indicate that you arent using it properly...
if you are sure youare using it properly, as you seem to be, maybe yours is just faulty. you could try to tie a stopper knot on the rope at a point where your back rest is comfortable for you. this might help it hold better even if it is a little less adjustable.
The back rest holds fine. The rope system is great, much better than ratchets, it's far simpler & cleaner.
The problem i have is with the backrest itself, as soon as you lean forward at all it slips. It seems to be a common problem.
ah, i get ya. could you not just tighten your back rest up more then?
Nope. I keep it tight enough, but any tighter & then my legs start to cramp, I'm pretty crammed in leg wise in the boat. In fact i probably should get rid of the happy feet completely to be able to get the seat forward a bit.
Sure i'll have a go moving stuff about in Lahinch.
I've heard from a few people that changing the backrest is the way to go though.
i have one problem with the jackson backrest.....its a peice of string.
that is all
You're a piece of string!
I thought that when your legs start to cramp, that's how you know you're in the correct playboating position. Also, when you're finished it takes you ages to get out of the boat because your feet are crippled and your knees are seized up - this is what's called 'a good session.'
As far as I know...
wohoo! my legs didn't cramp up (that bad) at all on a whole boyne trip in my new allstar, while jim looked about 10 years older after a day out in the liquid logic vision.
sorry Jim.
there was me thinking jim is about ten years older than you...
I wasn't until I started going out with her...
The way you two come onto the mesage board to flirt with one another is positively shameless!
I just hope Catherine doesn't get jealous.
To quote Kieran's post above: They have a "comfartable" relationship.
You know you've got it good when you're comfortable farting around each other.
Jody I have/had the same problem, though its comfy and shit easy to use. I found that playing with the bungee cord on the back of the backrest helped can't remember if I loosened or tightened. There's a knob either side of the cockpit rim. You could take off the bungee and see it its better/worse??
Simon, yeah its a piece of string, how fucking easy is that to replace!! Think of it over in Uganda and your backrest gives up the ghost . . . best of luck getting a replacement for rachets ;D
On another note I found the seat itself when brought forward tends to slip back so you really have to tighten the nuts. If you do bring it forward keep an eye on it by marking the central piping.
ps Kylie whatever you get its a playboat of course its not going to be comfortable :-*
For the record, you can get replacement rachets at I-Canoe fairly cheap. You can also replace just the backrest itself if Colm has a few spares lying around.
they ship to uganda now do they killian.....
I wouldn't bother getting them shipped.
Just head into Jinja and pick some up.