UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: finch on November 17, 2008, 18:00:36
Found this online
Surf Report (http://magicseaweed.com/Lahinch-Surf-Report/52/)
It's not looking too bad for Saturday. We might get some surfing in
The water is salty and the beer tastes so much better after a quick dip in the sea.
Doughmore should be working with that report, I think...
Is shit creek working? It's along the coast not sure where?
Shit Creek is slightly North of Cliffs of Moher.
Doughmore is savage but not for beginners.
Magic Seaweed is good but I prefer www.surf-forecast.com (http://www.surf-forecast.com)
Surf reports aren't very reliable until 3 days or so beforehand.
Best Lahinch surf forecast is to phone O'Looney's Bar and ask the barman to look out the window. He doesn't even have to move from the phone.
Makes good seafood chowder too.
Have you seen what they have done to o'looneys! It looks like a yuppy wine bar.
Loadza weather links down the bottom.
More angled towards sailing but still very useful. The more weather opinions the better.