UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: paddle on January 26, 2009, 15:43:59
ah hooray!! you can all come stay with me!!
This never happens.
Nobody ever goes to Mayo!!...it's not like i don't know why...It's basically mountains surrounded by marsh land.
Nothing grows there (because there's no sunlight) except weird vegetables that no one can digest...and the people that live there are all highly excitable and a bit odd because their nearest neighbour is twenty five light years away...
No ones really that nice either- especially old people. Their such hard liners...i think its because they grew up on diets of raw potatoes, gravel and dairy milks which is the only chocolate bar i can ever find for some reason (What is that about?) Also, they all seem to be able to run really fast.
Yeah, in fact, it's probably the nearest any of us will ever come to the twilight zone.
Anyway, this is fantastic news.
Nobody ever goes to Mayo!!...it's not like i don't know why...It's basically mountains surrounded by marsh land.
Nothing grows there (because there's no sunlight) except weird vegetables that no one can digest...
It sounds like Mordor.
Which would explain a lot about you, Ms Holohan.
No Cormac, it just sounds like Mayo . . . . Mordor sounds like Mayo . . .
Tom, Cormac, just as a matter of interest, when do the two of you plan on adopting a lovechild? I mean, there's obviuosly some tension in your relationship, this could be just what you two lovebirds need...
ah a band-aid baby, i love it!
Due to problems outside of our control the mayo mess has been moved back to March 14th, we Apologise for any inconvence
It sounds like Mordor.
Which would explain a lot about you, Ms Holohan.
Thats so funny....i mean, now you mention it Cormac, i always felt there was something different...it's hard to explain, it's just this feeling i can't put into words...something just doesn't add up,obviously i don't like to say anything becasue the locals are always so polite.
These are my neighbours. Thats Mary Durkin there in the middle and her sons Paddy and John to the left and right of her. Mary's pretty ancient. I'm expecting to hear she's gone supernova any time now.
They're farmers.
This is another neighbour, Gary Murphy. He's about my age...we had a thing going on for awhile
He doesn't photograph well but he's really nice.
No becca, you're from England not Mayo!!
Mayo's is in Ireland you see...
Except for killawalla which is in australia.
It's a real shame things didn't work out between yourself and Gary because, though I'm sorry to say it, you'll probably never do so well for yourself again.
Ritchie. Fuck off.
Hey Cormac, you're the master at dating these days aren't you? If you were me how would you get Gary back?Leave a trail of fresh human blood?Cause let me tell you, that has not gone down well in the past.
Dearest Becca
I do sympathise with your predicament.
Hmmm...what qualities can you use to win Gary back? Clearly looks and personality aren't a runner for you, though charm would have been handy if you could have come by some. What about a nice stew? Everyone loves home-cooking! Can you cook?
Have you considered getting knocked-up and telling him that he's the daddy?
Nothing like a good ol' fashoned keep-a-minger baby.
Definately no hugs
Niall L. Bouchier
hay guys, if you would like to sign up for the race please send this application form(http://www.irishfreestyle.com/node/4241) to mayoblastedmess@gmail.com
Ok guys here the story;
The event will start at 9.30 am sat 14th march,
Each competitor must register before by emailing or sending application form. (mayoblastedmess@gmail.com or kayak club, gmit@castlebar, Castlebar, Co. Mayo)
Each competitor must be over 18(sorry it’s due to insurance)
Each competitor must have a current icu membership or Equivalent
Each competitor must have level 3 skills or higher (we will be checking)
Numbers are limited.
Registration will close on 6th of March or before hand if maximum number of competitors is reached, (i.e. if you don’t sign up early you might not be able to race)
No registration will be taken on the day!
Cost of entry will be 20 euro each plus a 30 euro deposit for use of bibs, to be paid on the morning of event (this deposit will be fully returned upon the return of bibs)
Anyone interested in getting a team together for this?
I'm planning on heading up to it :)
yep i'd be interested, gotta check if I have a valid ICU card
Oohhh ya... mine might be outta date by then too :-\
Im in, probably,
Can we get ICU membership renewed through the club? Mines up at the end of the month
ICU membership will be available through the club soon
Does this mean ye are all coming to visit me? Mayo is great no matter what that becca says.
;D :)
Austrailia is even better!
But there is no water there silly???
First I want to thank everyone who got involed with race and for their entry and support for this race.
Unfortunately the event will not be going ahead this coming March due to a range of issues that we have encountered and the ever increasing lack of rain.
I am sorry for any inconvenience I may caused you and thank you for your interest in the race.
I hope that this race will go ahead in the future but for now we have no choice but to cancel the race this coming march.
Once agian thanks to everyone that got involed, without your help this idea would have never been concidered.
Mayo mess will go ahead...unfortunately I just dont know when
Now i got a 4 day weekend to fill
BOOOOO BRIAN!!! BOOOOOO!!!! I was gonna come and drink for your birthday and all!! BOOOO!!!
well your still invited,,, :o