UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Matt on November 20, 2009, 02:36:29

Title: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Matt on November 20, 2009, 02:36:29
Hey everyone,

A bit of bad news for you all...

After this Christmas, Seán McDermott St Pool is CLOSING ITS DOORS FOR GOOD!!!

This means that next Thursday, the 26th of November, will be our LAST POOL SESSION IN SEAN MCDERMOTT ST EVER!!! :'( :'( :'(

Because of this, I'd love it if we got a HUGE crowd to the pool next Thursday, as well as to O'Neill's and Doyle's.

I think it's only fitting to give the pool a good send-off after such a good, long service to UCDCC.

Again, it would be great to see a huge crowd of Canoe Club members, both past and present, out on Thursday night to give a final send-off to the pool.

Also, if you know people who don't check the board, who might be up for heading out, please Spread the word and text around... the bigger the crowd the better!!!

Thanks very much

Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Jer on November 20, 2009, 10:14:10
What! Where will we go now?
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Ley-Ley on November 20, 2009, 10:27:10
The Liffey.
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: JODY on November 20, 2009, 11:43:41
Flatwater sessions in the docks  ???
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Kerry on November 20, 2009, 12:23:42
i don't know if you have a new pool yet but if you Contact this person, he should be able to put you in touch with other pools, also i think they are opening a new pool in Rathmines soon, or maybe it is open.
Darragh Cunnigham
Dublin City Council
Sports Section
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8

Tel: (01) 222 2163
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Diarmaid on November 20, 2009, 14:19:33
Pool Sessions in Pia's!!!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 22, 2009, 21:17:03
try get trinity pool....i know its fraternizing with the enemy and all that but its a real nice pool!! afro.gif
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Robyn on November 22, 2009, 21:58:39
the marckiewitz pool? failing that-monkstown maybe? or we could always have capsize drill in the lake....
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Carla! on November 23, 2009, 23:27:46
newpark pool

back to school for so many of us yeaaaaaah
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 24, 2009, 01:16:10
UCD lake!!!!!

we may have do go later than usual im thinking 3-4am would probably work :P
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: AENGUS! on November 24, 2009, 01:27:12
Wooh lets get biiined on thursday... I think a sneaky naggin may be in order!!:P
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: finch on November 24, 2009, 09:42:28
Sounds like a plan Aengus ;D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: rog on November 24, 2009, 10:56:05
Wooh lets get biiined on thursday... I think a sneaky naggin may be in order!!:P

F that go for a sneaky 70cl like me carla and finchy did that time, so much cheaper, BUY BOOZE IN BULK!!!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 24, 2009, 15:04:37
F that go for a sneaky 70cl like me carla and finchy did that time, so much cheaper, BUY BOOZE IN BULK!!!

rog once again you impress me with your way of thinking! nagons are for pussys aengus!! 8)
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 24, 2009, 19:15:11
Do i hear suggestions of an


cos im in :D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Maryanne on November 24, 2009, 20:04:10

I'm allowed to get the 3am bus...

(Thank you impressive sounding physics lab marks!)
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 24, 2009, 21:13:14
Do i hear suggestions of an


cos im in :D

You sure you'd be up to it Ali???  ;D

woo go Maryanne  :D

I might tag along..I don't have any more labs left!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Matt on November 24, 2009, 21:16:44
I agree with ali... if by all day bender you mean after 5 o clock then im there!!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: rog on November 24, 2009, 21:59:27
I agree with ali... if by all day bender you mean after 5 o clock then im there!!

You know what they say Matt, can't drink all day if don't start at 5 O'Clock
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 24, 2009, 23:06:28
do we actually not have a pool session on thursday?? are we just pubbing it up?
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Matt on November 24, 2009, 23:20:22
The pool session is on
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 25, 2009, 00:22:16
Do i hear suggestions of an


cos im in :D

You sure you'd be up to it Ali???  ;D

Oh eoghan i'm definately up for an All Day Bender!! do you what that is? more importantly are you willing to find out?
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 25, 2009, 08:58:25
do you what that is? more importantly are you willing to find out?

eh I'd be willing to find out what you meant anyway.. ;D

but ye i may head out on this all day bender!b'fheidir!

do we actually not have a pool session on thursday?? are we just pubbing it up?

if your hammered before you get to the pool getting in mightn't be a good idea!  ;)
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Ley-Ley on November 25, 2009, 12:45:50
All day bender in town?!!!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: rog on November 25, 2009, 12:49:35

if your hammered before you get to the pool getting in mightn't be a good idea!  ;)

Mightn't being the operative word... Wait no no i can't condone that bad eoghan!!!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: finch on November 25, 2009, 13:56:13
Do i hear suggestions of an


cos im in :D

That does sound like a good plan......  ;D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Tiny Tim on November 25, 2009, 15:20:00
all day bender sounds like a plan, as dus pool session!!! boathouse beers?
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 25, 2009, 16:29:11
Campus drinking :D i'll be in UCD from about 2pm meet ya'll at the board?
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: clarec on November 25, 2009, 17:06:34

Campus drinking :D i'll be in UCD from about 2pm meet ya'll at the board?

hmmm, bitta liquid courage should totally make my chemistry presentation run smoother... see you there!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 25, 2009, 17:28:05
i've just found out if a tutorial that evening!!but i'll hopefully catch up with ye as soon as i'm finished! YEHAW!
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 25, 2009, 17:30:13
hmmmm if i study for my friday morning exam from 9-2 on thursay then i might just be able to participate in this al day bender as they call it..... ^-^ angel.gif
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: FINN on November 25, 2009, 21:06:57
Awesome!!! count me in for this one :)
Eoghan Ill bring the Win-quila  :)
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 25, 2009, 21:21:36
haha will we??

i'll look into the bodka!! ;D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Rachel on November 25, 2009, 21:52:09

Campus drinking :D i'll be in UCD from about 2pm meet ya'll at the board?

hmmm, bitta liquid courage should totally make my chemistry presentation run smoother... see you there!

And my -Membrane Biology but really more Pharmacology- group presentation! I'm not even joking, drink calms me down I'll be much better at presenting with it, I think I'd be much better doing my driving test if I had a drink too, haven't had many people agreeing with me on that one yet though... hm...
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Robyn on November 25, 2009, 22:45:20
stil have mickey finnnnnnns. woop
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 25, 2009, 23:31:35
3 cans of tuborg...awh yeeaaah  afro.gif
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 26, 2009, 11:25:34
BOO YEAH!!!!! lets do this thaaaaaaaaannnnng :D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 26, 2009, 12:07:39
So what time is this kicking off??
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Towelyey on November 26, 2009, 13:08:01
we shall conviene at the board at 2 and take it from there :D
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Jer on November 26, 2009, 18:31:01
My shoulders bolloxed, don't think there's much point in going to the pool if I can't swim or kayak  :-\

I assume you're all going to O'Neil's afterwards, I'll see you all there.
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: Eoghan on November 27, 2009, 11:11:42
Great night guys!! I certainly enjoyed myself!  afro.gif
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: rog on November 27, 2009, 12:51:47
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Bye bye sean mcdermot street...
Title: Re: Thursday 26th November - The end of an era...
Post by: DNKY on November 27, 2009, 14:26:51
wow synchronized crying outta those smileys...good work!! last nite was super duper fun....head is pounding which means it was a great nite!! ;) thanks guys!! afro.gif