UCD Canoe Club
Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Matt on December 13, 2009, 11:40:07
Hey guys
I'm looking at organising a safety and rescue training weekend for the weekend of the 16/17 January - the weekend just before college starts back. It will be most likely taking place on the Annamoe/Avonmore. The plan is to have a number of instructors there on the weekend so that we can divide you all into small groups.
The general plan for the weekend would be:
Day One - Saturday: General river safety and awareness, rescue techniques and skills, rope work - all suitable to rivers of Grade 2/3 difficulty.
Day Two - Sunday: A number of different scenarios taking place during a river trip - putting the rescue skills into practice.
The training would be suitable for anyone at Level 3 Skills standard looking to learn about river safety and rescue, as well as any more experienced paddlers who want to improve or practice their rescue skills. The more experienced people will most likely have covered most or all of the material on the first day before, but I think it would be good for these people to come along and take part, as scenarios are a great way of applying the skills you have to a rescue situation in a safe environment.
We'll most likely organise accommodation down in Laragh for the weekend, just so we can get an early start, and to save people driving to Dublin and back a few times.
Cost of the weekend will be low. Any costs will be subsidized by the club, so I'll let you know exact cost closer to the time.
Post up here if you're interested. I'm just trying to get an idea of numbers at the moment.
Also if there's anyone who'd like to give a hand on the days, post up here or pm me or give me a shout on 087 9779231. If anyone has any questions about it give me a shout too.
Cheers - see ye in Kerry!!
Sounds good buddy!!!
Sign me up man!!!
I think if anyone's thinking that they've done all this stuff before and therefore are thinking about not doing it cause of time/money etc. I think you should still definately do it, as Matt said the price will be very low as it will be heavily subsidised by the club, and myself and Matt were talking about it, its one thing learning all the rescue stuff in a controlled safe instructor/student envrionment but if/when the shit hits the fan on the water you're gonna want all the experience possible so the more you do this stuff the fresher and more readily available it will be in your mind for that day you might need to use it.
I'm IN!!!! YEHAAAW!!! afro.gif
I won't be around on the Saturday but would love to do stuff on the Sunday
Hey, I would be interested in that :)
yeah great stuff guys, u really cant preactice or learn enough of this stuff. not 100% sure i can make it but id be interested in learning or helping
Sign me up ther Matt!
Me please!
Ill help out Matt, Going for the level 3 Instructor in March hopefully so will be good to refresh
I'd be up for it.
I'm in. Be it to help out or get in some practice... either way i dont mind :)
Sign me up please! :)
If there is space for me I would love to do this but please give preference to younger more active members of the club. On accomadation I found the IMC hut worked well for this last year at captains and safety.
Sounds awesome! Sign my ginger face up!
Nice one!! Sign me up :)
can you sign john and I up please
Im gonna have to bail on this one Matt, got a lot of work due the 18th and that weekend is th only weekend I can do it
Hi guys
Unfortunately it looks like we are going to have to postpone this safety weekend until a later date. With the cold weather due to last for another 7-10 days, it's likely that the roads to Laragh will be near to impassable.
Also, the chances are there will either be no water on the rivers or they will be huge due to snow melt, neither of which are very good for a safety weekend.
We will hopefully be able to run a safety weekend during the Easter break in March. It just doesn't look like it can go ahead next weekend.
Cheers for the heads up Matt!
But who knows when we'll have to do rescues in the Arctic, shouldn't we be practicing for all conditions?
But who knows when we'll have to do rescues in the Arctic, shouldn't we be practicing for all conditions?
or having to get to rivers in adverse conditions! afro.gif
cool thanks anyway matt.....the weekend of the ball?? 8)
near to impassable.
if you said nigh' impassable you'd sound like a super cool pirate!! ;)
Aww. It sounded great. Thanks for organising it anyway.
Eh weekend of the ball???
Weekend of the ball sounds perfect!
You're a ginger fool, nobody listen to him ^^^
I think your a genious Kyle :)
Kyles never been to the ball, he doesnt understand the commitment it takes... its not just a few hours on a sat night its an entire weekend!!
Yeah, no don't worry it won't be the ball. Ball ball ball... Can't wait!!!
Great.... some of us have other plans that weekend anyway ;)
Kyles never been to the ball
I'll probably keep it that way, well, unless theirs a cool Safety & Rescue course going on too! ;)
What why? The more gingers the better man!!! Safety in numbers, get ur ass to the ball or else!!!
So we have a date for the ball then?
Do we have a location for it as well and a price? Need to start saving those cents now for what can only be described as epic.
Kyles never been to the ball
I'll probably keep it that way, well, unless theirs a cool Safety & Rescue course going on too! ;)
I agree!! :)
Great.... some of us have other plans that weekend anyway ;)
Barcode all the way
I'll see if we can do this safety weekend during the Easter break - either the weekend of the 13/14 or the 20/21 March. This'd be the best time since club trips won't be affected.
Eoghan!!!!!! YOU'RE!!!!!!