UCD Canoe Club
Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Matt on January 13, 2010, 17:40:37
Hey guys and gals
With college starting back this Monday, next Thursday pool sessions will start back.
I know we said Seán McDermott St. pool was closing... and it was closing... but then it wasn't closing... and now it's not closing...
So, for the rest of the year we'll be going back to Seán McDermott St!!
So next Thursday, the 21st, will be the same story as before - meet at Trinity at 7.30 and we'll head to the pool from there.
Cheers - see ye then
Lets be out with it matt, that whole Séan mcDermot streets closing thing was just an excuse for a party... WOOO!!!
i new it !!! afro.gif
It was a great night! We should have a Seán McDermott St. send off every second week (we can do something productive in the pool every 2nd week :) )
Yeah good idea, next week is the last pool session guys, they closing down after that, so lets have a big party that night and give it a good send off!!!
Yeah good idea, next week is the last pool session guys, they closing down after that, so lets have a big party that night and give it a good send off!!!
Awh no, It's closing? Dang, hope theirs a good turnout to send her off ;)
Oh and people should keep next Wednesday free, we are trying to sort something out!!
Thursday's Finch's anyway so there will be a party, the pool should close the week after!
Good good, Ley-Ley, I like the sound of Wednesday, it's my only free night next week!
Yay Can Wait?
Wow carla you've got some will power. i can't wait for the pool session and of course the parties... well i'm a bit anxious about them, my bodies gonna be givin me grief for months after
Thursday's Finch's anyway so there will be a party, the pool should close the week after!
Good good, Ley-Ley, I like the sound of Wednesday, it's my only free night next week!
every night next week is a free night.
so what nights are we getting wasted next week? just a quick summary is all!
so what nights are we getting wasted next week? just a quick summary is all!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday! I'd like to say Friday but .....i don't think so!
ill go with Wed, Thurs and Friday!
Won't make it out on Thursday :(
HAve too much actually college work to do - enjoy though
so what nights are we getting wasted next week? just a quick summary is all!
I'd like to say Friday but .....i don't think so!
what the fcuk eoghan??? its finches birthday!! some friend you are!!
so what nights are we getting wasted next week? just a quick summary is all!
I'd like to say Friday but .....i don't think so!
what the fcuk eoghan??? its finches birthday!! some friend you are!!
That was before I knew his plans had changed! I dunno if i'll last the week!
Cough.....Pussy....Cough :P
Wah Wah Wah, I have a final year report to do, I think it is you who is the pussy Finch! And that's the end of that chapter!
Don't worry I should make it! For you Finch! :) Nice one Ley afro.gif
mmmmmmmmm............cant wait to see all the members of ucd canoe club topless and wet again... its been way too long
wrong topic Carla!??? afro.gif
pool sessions eoghan, thats what its all about :P
why, do u seriously go for the kayaking? get real ;)
Ha oh right. That one went completely over my head! angel.gif :-\
straight to the goalie!! boo ya!
Thursday's Finch's anyway so there will be a party, the pool should close the week after!
Good good, Ley-Ley, I like the sound of Wednesday, it's my only free night next week!
every night next week is a free night.
I did mean the only one I hadnt yet scheduled drinking for!
Great night lads! Nothing like a crowd willing themselves to be hyper but completely lacking the energy to be so!