UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Matt on January 16, 2010, 18:30:53

Title: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Matt on January 16, 2010, 18:30:53
ALPS 09!!!

(http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/4842_111196964881_674764881_2795174_4368865_n.jpg)  (http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/4842_111197734881_674764881_2795217_59656_n.jpg)

This Wednesday there'll be a talk in the Blue Room about last summer's Alps trip.

This'll be a good chance to get some ideas for next summer, and let us show off all our pretty pictures ;)

It'll be on from 7.30 till about 9.30. Hope to see ye there!!

Le Banana!!!!

Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Asho87 on January 16, 2010, 18:55:49
Woo I'm there! Go Wednesdays! :)
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Ley-Ley on January 16, 2010, 18:56:48
Then drinking in UCD?????
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Asho87 on January 16, 2010, 18:59:42
Wait, wait. Is this a, yay lets go to the Alps and discuss what we're going to do meeting-esque talk, or like the other ones where it's just, yay look at my shiny pictures and hear my funny stories.

Lettuce know :)
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Matt on January 16, 2010, 19:30:58
It's a 'yay look at my shiny pictures and hear my funny stories' kind of talk - but if anyone's thinking of going away this summer we can tell them stuff that was good and bad about the trip
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Asho87 on January 16, 2010, 20:59:12
Cool then, and yes Leighton, results day! xx
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: DNKY on January 17, 2010, 14:47:22
awesome beans...nothing like a good smash up!  ;D
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Jer on January 17, 2010, 15:00:07
I'll be a bit late but I'll be there!
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Eoghan on January 17, 2010, 21:36:57
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Asho87 on January 19, 2010, 16:52:52
Me n Shodders are getting the 17 that leaves Rialto at 1520 tomorrow if anyone's living near the 17! Bar at 4ish??? Or what's the plan? x
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: FINN on January 19, 2010, 17:16:16
Yeah bar before!!!! Ill be there @ around 6 :)
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Ley-Ley on January 20, 2010, 17:06:57
Anyone going to the offie?
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: Eoghan on January 21, 2010, 12:05:18
Great night guys!! WOOHOO!
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: rog on January 21, 2010, 13:34:44
Did we really get thru 120 cans of miller?
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: finch on January 21, 2010, 13:38:03
Yep - and 3 falgans of cider - good hussle guys ;D
Title: Re: Wednesday 20th January - Blue Room 7.30
Post by: DNKY on February 01, 2010, 13:51:11
gaaaaaaaaaaghgh drunkeness of that night!