UCD Canoe Club
Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Matt on January 16, 2010, 18:30:53
ALPS 09!!!
(http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/4842_111196964881_674764881_2795174_4368865_n.jpg) (http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs115.snc1/4842_111197734881_674764881_2795217_59656_n.jpg)
This Wednesday there'll be a talk in the Blue Room about last summer's Alps trip.
This'll be a good chance to get some ideas for next summer, and let us show off all our pretty pictures ;)
It'll be on from 7.30 till about 9.30. Hope to see ye there!!
Le Banana!!!!
Woo I'm there! Go Wednesdays! :)
Then drinking in UCD?????
Wait, wait. Is this a, yay lets go to the Alps and discuss what we're going to do meeting-esque talk, or like the other ones where it's just, yay look at my shiny pictures and hear my funny stories.
Lettuce know :)
It's a 'yay look at my shiny pictures and hear my funny stories' kind of talk - but if anyone's thinking of going away this summer we can tell them stuff that was good and bad about the trip
Cool then, and yes Leighton, results day! xx
awesome beans...nothing like a good smash up! ;D
I'll be a bit late but I'll be there!
Me n Shodders are getting the 17 that leaves Rialto at 1520 tomorrow if anyone's living near the 17! Bar at 4ish??? Or what's the plan? x
Yeah bar before!!!! Ill be there @ around 6 :)
Anyone going to the offie?
Great night guys!! WOOHOO!
Did we really get thru 120 cans of miller?
Yep - and 3 falgans of cider - good hussle guys ;D
gaaaaaaaaaaghgh drunkeness of that night!