UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: rog on April 17, 2010, 13:49:51
The stage is set, the pawns are placed, the pieces are moving!!!
ALPS 2010 Roger Shirley Karen, 2 mamba's and a Nomad Vs ten thousand Burns!
Team Dagger Vs. Team Burn!
Who will emerge victorious?
B R I N G I T O N ! ! !
(http://www.oakorchardcanoe.com/images/daggerlogo.jpg) Vs.
The Dagger logo is rubbish, is it supposed to be a vertically pinned boat or something?
Jer u idiot!!
It's an arial view of a paddler!!!
His paddles are broken.
No, they're cranks
I'm pretty sure cranks don't bend in on one side and out on the other, maybe they're crank splits and he put them together the wrong way round.
What I'm trying to say is that only someone stupid enough to be paddling a Dagger would do that or would even need to whip out his splits in the first place.
The smileys aren't working so you'll just have to pretend that I've just posted a wall of those smug looking afro things.
Edit: (http://twelvestone.com/images/smilies/afro.gif) smokin' drugs
Boo yah!
Ha ha jer you just got schooled by karen...
Good work team
She was enthusiastically agreeing with me, despite the fact that she paddles a Dagger.
Shutup Jer!!!
Good work team
Rumble in the Jungle! It won't be a fight.....it'll be an EXECUTION!!!!
Cage Rage, pick ur best fighter,
The person you choose must enter the cage armed only with their wits and reactions, dressed in nothing but rags, to face the fearsome Shirley Bradshaw!!!
Good work team
Sorry to be the one to tell you Rodge, it's a well known fact Pyrahana eat Dagger for breakfast. If you don't believe me, here's a rare photo I took on the river one day. Amazing capture I must say!!!
great pic kyle....i think rodge should get that logo sticker for kris kindle next year! :) cover the boat!
Hahaha, that's brilliant kyle, nice work.
However, we won't be phased by it. We'll see when this is all over who eats who for breakfast!!
Besides a dagger can just stab a pyranha before it eats u!!!
Good work team
suck it.
Pyranhas, like Burns, are usually in big groups though.
suck it.
Boo Yah!!!
Good work team!!
wow talk about torn loyalties, iv got a pyrahna and a dagger, this really is a tough time 4 me
It's been months since I was on the water, are there points for driving around with the boat on my roof?
Dave man up!
Kieran yes you do score points by just driving around with a dagger on top of your car, but the less points the better.
Ooh, just found this (http://www.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,1644.0.html).
Burn Brigade, Assemble!
Look at these faces. Faces of sheer determination. Faces of legends. Faces of champions.
competitors!!!! athletes!!!
Haha, that is a classy pic of Matt
Good work team
Haha you know Matt's drunk when the eyes get that narrow!!
Roger you need to keep motivating your team by continung to end your posts with "good work team"!!
If I was part of a team I'd do it...................Oh what the hell...
Good work team!!
Guys, we're fucked.
Jer - I love it!
Burn Brigade ASSSSEMBLE!!! we should make up names like the power rangers!
what competitors......ATHELETES!!!
Aengus - correction: you know Matt's GONE when the eyes get that narrow!! :)
We don't need pictures to publicise how dedicated to the cause we are, you'll know all about us when we're pulling you out of the water at the bottom of an average grade 3- rapid.
I can see it now, every member of the so called "burn brigade" all in the water, swimming after a piss easy grade 2 rapid, team dagger, shirley roger karen literally throwing swimmers and boats on to the river bank... Oh yes you'll know all about us then!!!
Good work team
We're small and elite, except Rog, he's pretty tall.....
What do you mean small elite, everyone and their cousin have a dagger! Also small computer illiterate elite would work for rog! I paddle a mamba and have for a number of years 4 ish? My favourite boat was an I3 222, which was great and the first boat I had in the alps. So in this contest I am going to cheer for whoever is on the opposite team to the person I am talking to.
torn loyalties do suck mckevitt!!! yeah i intend on hurling random abuse it just tends 2 find its way 2 rog and his shit new cheat boat
Sorry, I was thinking of team dagger for the alps this year, only myself and shirely are bringing mambas and rog is in a nomad, but everyone else has a burn.
Jackson ....
/ Thread
http://www.eddyflower.com/ShowBoat.aspx?BoatId=559 (http://www.eddyflower.com/ShowBoat.aspx?BoatId=559)
Game over
Introduced in 1988, it's as old as I am.
At 10 foot 8 inches its a dynamic river running play boat, watch out alps!!!
I've just got my hands on a '96 Southern Alps guide book! :) That gear is the shit!!
The Peter Knowles Alps guide book has a picture of Peter (I think) doing a pop out in something not too dis-similiar to a t-canyon.... That shit is hardcore!!!
I've got a small bell end!!
Good work team!!
yeah thats it! some really class pictures! some guy, gia-something, has some class pics too!
haha just saw that now, great work Jer!!
Who won?
I think since since Karen was the only one left standing for team Dagger, team Burn breezed by the finish line for the win!
ha yeah !!! VICTORY TEAM BURN!!! afro.gif
good hustle burn brigade, im proud of you guys!!!
Well team dagger took took so severe a beating that only one dagger boat was ever seen on the water after the second week so...
I'll gracefully conceed this one and say that team burn win... Although a member of team burn did manage to capsize and swim in an eddy that was no more then 3 feet deep...
Could we have the stats on this one please? Who was team burn and who was Team dagger?
The teams changed from time to time...
I'll gracefully conceed this one and say that team burn win... Although a member of team burn did manage to capsize and swim in an eddy that was no more then 3 feet deep...
Rog: you are not a member of team Burn just because you were borrowing a burn that day. The best you can say for that swim was that a member of team Dagger managed to capsize and swim in an eddy that was no more then 3 feet deep, because they couldn't handle the Burn.
Nuala I disagree I think any paddler who manages to capsize and swim in a 3 foot deep eddy has only the boat to blame,
This looks like he said, she said. I want lists and figures call me a scientist if you wish.
suck it.
Boo Yah!!!
I'd like to take this moment to point out that Rog's avatar looks like he's forcing multiple people to go down on him. These quotes merely support my findings.
Good work team!!