UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Matt Flood on June 12, 2010, 18:41:12
Hey lads,
this is just a reminder that the last game of the DCPL season for Dodder Rats is THIS FRIDAY (18th).
Dodder Rats are first up at 7pm. It would be good to get a few definite players because there is talk in the polo world about rescheduling matches midweek on Tues and Weds because of a buildup of unplayed games.....???.
I havn't heard if this will effect the Dodder Rats and I don't think it will.
So, see yas Friday. Slán :).
Does anybody know any of the lads on the WW Average Joes Team.
We're first game at 19.12. DCU are finished and won't be there to borrow gear and boats from. Average Joes are on at 19.48 so might be there with gear we could borrow for ours?
Not sure about helmets but i-canoe have BA's ready for us.
DCPL provide BA's so ok for that, tis all the rest we're short. And boats will be the biggest issue, could probably manage to scrounge the rest.
Sorry team but I cant play, busy that night, good lcuk though
ill be there, helmets are in the boathouse just need 2 attach the facemasks
Ye, forget was i was saying earlier :-X. The match is on Friday, defo.
Will be there also.
me too
im not sure will i be there because im helping out with some kayaking at home. will there be 4 there?
ps good luck to ye and to matt's team.
Hey, I'm told DCPL have boats, revenges, at the pool and to ask them tomorrow night.
Finn just said he couldnt come, so we are on 3 players? anyone else wanna play?
ok so we can borrow boats and ba's yeah? i can sort helmets and probably paddles, from the boathouse. are we ok 4 gear? and we still need another player?
Got a text from DCPL committee that Assassins have scratched both their games for tomorrow night as they can't field a team themselves, so no match to be played by us tomorrow after all.