UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Maryanne on December 23, 2010, 18:24:33

Title: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Maryanne on December 23, 2010, 18:24:33
Hello everybody!
Happy Christmas!
And very soon...MERRY KERRY!

Just in case anyone was wondering how boats and gear were getting to Kerry, they'll be hitching a ride on the trailer so no need to worry!

Just in case anyone was wondering how boats and gear were getting on the trailer, they need your help!


- meeting in UCD at the boathouse
- at 13:00 on the 27th
- throw gear in boats and lash them on the trailer
- listen to cheerful (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrAwK9juhhY) Christmassy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ymlnxMZkXA) music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1zWafQF1hc), so you could say it's a party* :)

If you need gear (helmet, BA, cag, wetsuit, boat, paddles) in Kerry please attend and help out getting them packed :)

If you live across a glacier (http://www.pentax.com.au/pentax/albums/Optio%20S%20Series/slides/Snowed%20in%20House.jpg) from UCD or your house (http://www.ferntree.ch/blog/images/20101124225532_snowed_in.jpg) or method of transport (http://media.dorks.com/content/pic/olddorks/Snowed-In-Car.jpg) is buried under more than two meters of snow please post up here or on the  facebook page  (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155485937832389) and let me know what you need.

The  weather is cold (http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/realtime/2010356/crefl1_143.A2010356112000-2010356112500.250m.jpg), being outside is cold (http://image59.webshots.com/159/2/67/1/2931267010095463846xdBOGW_fs.jpg), being wet outside (http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01789/russia-man_1789369i.jpg) is super (http://www.enter.net/~skimmer/images/colorgas.jpg) cold (http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01553/brockwell-woman_1553352i.jpg), so please make sure you bring plenty of warm things!
Not just hoodies and fluffy socks for lounging around the clubhouse, but fleeces (http://www.ubpinc.com/ubp5/images/8197Fleece.jpg), wetsuits (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u38/mconridge/All-1.jpg), more fleeces (http://www.northcoastpets.com/pics/pics_on_site/muttopia_fleece.jpg), shoes, fleecy hats (http://kidcrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/dino_fleece_hat.jpg), fleecy gloves (http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00BvtEQekaahcN/Polar-Fleece-Gloves-SEF-9017-.jpg) and all other things conceivable under the banner "thermals" (http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/22001188/Images/2/thermals.gif).
If there's paddling to be had down there (http://ekstremsportveko.smugmug.com/photos/571674041_Yhp4a-M.jpg) we're going to go for it!
Kerry won't be warm, so you have to be!

See you all soon!
(The one with the obsession with gear and logistics...a.k.a. "equipment officer")

*but you'd be overstating it just a bit.

Due to finite trailer space and the impressively large group of freshers comin' on down to Kerry, we can't fit everyone's boat on the trailer. To help logistically, if you own your own boat and are getting a lift, ask the driver if they can take your boat first. If you're driving and have a free spot on your roof that could be filled, let me know. Thank you!

Maryanne Doyle
Jer Dunn
Stephen Manton
Jon F
Nick Prendergast
Finn O'Nualain
Roger (perhaps)
Karen (maybe)
Eoghan (weather dependent, possibly in shorts)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: finch on December 23, 2010, 18:47:47
So a few post-christmas, pre-kerry drinks ??
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Matt on December 23, 2010, 18:50:26
See ye there :)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: micheal h on December 23, 2010, 22:05:35

I might not be able to make it up for this unless the snow melts pretty soon after Christmas so if someone could  be super cool and pack all my stuff for me that would be great i.e. helmet, BA , cag , wetsuit (size large), boat, paddles. :D Drinks will be provided for whoever packs for me ;) oh and the nicer the gear the more drinks that will be bought. ^-^ so cheers and  Happy Christmas!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Maryanne on December 23, 2010, 22:13:12

I might not be able to make it up for this unless the snow melts pretty soon after Christmas so if someone could  be super cool and pack all my stuff for me that would be great i.e. helmet, BA , cag , wetsuit (size large), boat, paddles. :D Drinks will be provided for whoever packs for me ;) oh and the nicer the gear the more drinks that will be bought. ^-^ so cheers and  Happy Christmas!

Roger that Micheal, I'm knitting a bobbly hat to go on your helmet right now*...

*Lies, but I'll sort you out
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Karen on December 24, 2010, 14:18:04
Woot Kerry!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: kmck on December 24, 2010, 15:18:56
Bring stuff you wear when the stuff falls from the sky but isn't white and fluffy. In other words look at the weather forcast on monday and make a plan then.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: rog on December 24, 2010, 17:07:13
Might drop alone and put my brand new(ly repaired) nomad on the aul trailer.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Eoghan on December 24, 2010, 20:10:49
look at the weather forcast on monday and make a plan then.

if that were the case i'd probably end up just putting shorts and t-shirt in the bag! met eireann don't have a clue!!

I'll hopefully be able to drop in too but at the moment snow is being a bitch...
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Kerry Gold on December 25, 2010, 16:13:48
I can't make it to trailer packing, as im in kerry (waiting outside in the cold of glenbeight to see someone i know)
but i need, you know, the stuf for canoeing....i did get my own wetsuit boars though  :).

(also i'm not in glenbeight, i'm the opposite end of kerry so its not that easy, especially if buses dont run)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: kmck on December 25, 2010, 21:22:33
They haven't been that bad about a 80% accuracy out to 36 hours which isn't that bad. It could be wet or it could be cold and wet or it could be just cold. This maybe a sign that I have too much gear to choose from, I love jobs that let you keep the equipment.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Jer on December 26, 2010, 15:22:27
I might be late/not able to make it. Could someone throw the wank tank on the trailer please? Thanks!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Maryanne on December 26, 2010, 18:25:37
Due to finite trailer space and the impressively large group of freshers comin' on down to Kerry, we can't fit everyone's boat on the trailer. To help logistically, if you own your own boat and are getting a lift, ask the driver if they can take your boat first. If you're driving and have a free spot on your roof that could be filled, let me know. Thank you!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Carla! on December 26, 2010, 18:32:29
il be there! sorry didnt know i had to reply :-)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: vic on December 26, 2010, 19:02:26
not in dublin so cant help with packing so will someone be nice and pack all the shit for me please ^-^. you might even expect a drink from me as a thankyou
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: caoimhem on December 27, 2010, 02:20:57
sorry for the late reply, im hoping to make it out tomorow but if the snow doesnt ease up, would you be able to pack me some gear? wetsuit, cag, ba,  boat, helmet, paddles.. cheers, caoimhe :)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: kmck on December 27, 2010, 02:36:08
Maybe if you sing oh christmas tree! Snow will end and rain will rule!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Rachel on December 27, 2010, 03:21:47
About to leave to catch my aircoach, can someone please choose for me a boat that a little person fits in, paddles, a cag and a b.a.?? Thanks!! Whoohoo!!  afro.gif
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: micheal h on December 27, 2010, 11:44:52

I might not be able to make it up for this unless the snow melts pretty soon after Christmas so if someone could  be super cool and pack all my stuff for me that would be great i.e. helmet, BA , cag , wetsuit (size large), boat, paddles. :D Drinks will be provided for whoever packs for me ;) oh and the nicer the gear the more drinks that will be bought. ^-^ so cheers and  Happy Christmas!

Roger that Micheal, I'm knitting a bobbly hat to go on your helmet right now*...

*Lies, but I'll sort you out

Title: Re: Trailer packing for Kerry!
Post by: Maryanne on December 28, 2010, 00:13:52
Thanks a million to everyone who turned up to help!
There were enough of us to get the job done in no time, and have a good chat for the rest of the two hours... :D
Special thank you to the brave freshers who made it out (Nick, Conor, Jon, Stephen) and our special guest Clíodhna Denny! ( Guess who's back! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVkUvmDQ3HY))