UCD Canoe Club
General => Kayaking => Topic started by: Maryanne on January 19, 2011, 22:51:00
Polo blitz in the DCPL pool at 19:00 Wednesday the 30th of March!
Post up here or on Matt's thread if you can come 8)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OTHER INFORMATION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- it looks a little like basketball in kayaks and hurling helmets :D
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyFypW3Sx-U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyFypW3Sx-U) (We don't play quite like that...yet)
- beginners/freshers: you don't have to have played before, division 5 is aimed at people who are just starting
- newbies: a good few people started playing in September
- veterans: we have a few people who've been playing for yeeears! (Well, two, ish)
- it's great craic
- a very good way to get more comfortable in a boat and hone your paddling skills
- it's an event at Varsities; learning to play could result in representing UCD in the sport down the line
- matches are every third Friday in the DCPL pool on the Old Cabra Road
- we hope to train once a week (where and when hasn't been worked out just yet)
- teams have to be registered by the 28th of January
- the league finishes around the 25th of June
- post your name up here if you're interested
- here's a link to the DCPL's website http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/ (http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/) (Dublin Canoe Polo League)
- ask questions here, or chat to the committee to find out more
I'm interested!
Started playing in September and would like to get better at it :)
A little worried about not being able to commit as much as I'd like, my timetable's very harsh this semester :(
I'm terribly interested for more polo!! I started in September, Division 5 and loved it!! Wish I had more games, it's great to see people new to paddling competing and doing well!!!
I cant swim
Yeah, i tired it a little the first year but wasn't too pushed...last semester was great fun! honestly guys everyone is welcome!
I'm interested :) I have labs some fridays til 6 (can usually probably sneak out sooner than 6) would that be a problem?
I'm interested :) I have labs some fridays til 6 (can usually probably sneak out sooner than 6) would that be a problem?
Yay Rachel!
That should work ok actually, matches are between 6:30 and 10:30, so the only time you'd have to miss a match/sneak out extra early, would be if the team you're on was scheduled to play at 6.30 (which doesn't happen too often) otherwise there shouldn't be any difficulties :)
Just letting people who haven't been to the pool know, it is in cabra as Maryanne said but the 39a goes right by the gate of the place. It should only take 40-45 minutes max to get out there. (Other routes inc. 70/39/38. The 37 and 46a are also just a ten minute walk from the pool also) :laugh:
im interested, registration is open for the spring season should i register a team for div 4?
im interested, registration is open for the spring season should i register a team for div 4?
I think we'd be good to go for div 4 and 5 teams again, but we have until the 28th, so we might give it a few more days to get an idea of names...
There's going to be a talk next Wednesday for Refreshers' Day that'll explain what's on offer (including polo) and might even have a sign up sheet! More about where and at what time later!
im interested! :)
Right-o, so teams have to be in by Friday
Do we want to change around the Div.4 and Div.5 teams at all?
if not then...
Matt E?
What do we reckon about those?
I'll need everyone to PM their;
Phone number
ICU number
I'll be putting these by Friday.
any suggestions for new team names?
I'm seriously thinking of registering the Div.4 team as "Team Awesome"
Team DFU I woul;d stay with whatever name you've previously had unless you're now a new team because we still haven't trained a ref.
yeah i think some of the freshers would be more than capable...DO IT!
I might be interested in playing on the div4 team if you guys'll have me
Uch, what if I don't know my icu number...? :-\ I'll look now.
Sounds good though, thanks!
Hm, my wallet just told me my number so we're all good! :D
It could even be
Div 4 Div 5
Mark Eoghan
Simon Leighton
Niall Dave
Colm Carla
Matt Rachel
Maryanne Jon F (?)
Six each that way. I may suffer from bad-scheduleitis this semester, so I'm cool having extra coverage...or going out on loan to Div 5 for a season...
Names: PHDemons (Cos the Div 4 team have a phd going on)
UCD Belair (Cos the Div 5 team have lots of fresh players and we're based in Belfield)
Hey, add micheal to the div 5 team please he says he would like to play
Hey, add micheal to the div 5 team please he says he would like to play
what an nml, shere class!!! unlike ur man from last year
Hey, add micheal to the div 5 team please he says he would like to play
good work micheal!! finally someone who can catch a ball... ;) 8)
I assume ye got this all sent in by now, because the deadline is past.
Yup, it's all sorted.
We are all registered and good to go!
Please find Niall over the coming days to pay your €10 registration fee
(or find me in UCD and I'll pass it on)
Our first matches will be played this Friday -> http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/index.php (http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/index.php)
Timetable will be available here -> http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/timetable.php?div=4 (http://www.dublincanoepolo.ie/timetable.php?div=4)
Have you paid your €10 registration fee?
If not, bring it along!
Also, there is no division 5 this semester, so we're all in div 4 8)
They must have seen the talent coming!
I think i speak for the entire UCD Belair Team when I say...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo)
emmm does someone want to teach me polo before friday??
Quick word about polo tomoro night.
There has been a badtraffic build up near the pool lately cos the pheonix park gate is one way or somethin like that. Anyway, give yourself loadsa time to get there, especially those of you playing at 7.
I would suggest for those of u gettin a bus, get a 39a from ucd round 6.15 or so. It'll drop ya outside the pool.
We go against each other next.
Awwwwww yeah!
Let's do it evil.gif