UCD Canoe Club

Committee Announcements => Announcements => Topic started by: Maryanne on February 15, 2011, 22:56:33

Title: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Maryanne on February 15, 2011, 22:56:33
Hello everybody! Time for Varsities, woohoo!

-pay Finch €50
-come with us to Cork this weekend
-compete for UCD (if you registered)
-Fairy Tales fancy dress night

     16:00 meet at the boathouse and help pack the trailer
     18:00 head into town for the pool session
     20:00 PUB PARTY!
     07:30 polo team depart
     11:00 POLO team play (and win of course)
     **whenever your lectures finish** meet up and hang out
     17:00 last bits of trailer packing at the boathouse
     18:00 BUS PARTY!
     **later that evening** ARRIVING IN CORK PARTY!
     08:00 WHITEWATER team compete (and win of course)
     13:30 LONG DISTANCE race, everybody competes or cheers (and wins of course)
     **when the clock strikes Fairy Tale o'clock** FAIRY TALE PARTY!
     10:30 FREESTYLE team competes (and wins of course)
     **some time later** prize giving
     **later** BUS PARTY!
     **later** home

Sign up to say you're coming to help with the trailer below  ;D

POLO: Matt E, Leighton, Maryanne, Colm N
WHITEWATER: Matt E, Karen, Nuala
LONG DISTANCE: Leighton, Finch, Eoghan, Carla, Matt F, Nuala, Livia, Micheal, Jer, Rachel McK, Joe F, Lucy, Joe C, Nick, Lester, Anna, Gareth, Colm N
FREESTYLE: Matt E, Simon, Nuala, Maryanne
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Matt on February 15, 2011, 23:04:09
I'll be there
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Nuala on February 15, 2011, 23:41:56
Sorry! I'll already be in Cork.

Also please note: as the way to Cork is now almost entirely motorway there will be almost no locations for pee stops. Choose your bus drink wisely.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Ley-Ley on February 15, 2011, 23:58:55
What Nuala means by that is that only beer and cider should be brought on the bus.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: kmck on February 16, 2011, 08:32:10
I think she means you need to get heroin and since she's a trainee doctor she's got a supply for everyone....Yeah! You can ask the bus to leave the motor way and stop in one of the oh so convient rest stops..... sorry I just realised what a massive lie that was the NRA are idiots who built a road network without service stations.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Livia on February 16, 2011, 08:51:23
Alright Maryanne,

here we go:

1. payed the money  :)
2. excited for the weekend   ^-^
3. will do my best in the competition   :)
3. got a fancy dress costume  evil.gif

16:00 - I'll be there helping :)
18:00 - joining you guys heading to city centre :)
19:00 - yes, I f people wanna stay and party I'll join ;)

9:30 + 11:00 - !!!GO UCD POLO TEAM!!!  afro.gif
17:00 - I'll be there helping :)
18:00 Let the party begin  8)

Saturday + Sunday
as mentioned above I'll do my very best in the competition and I will bring my camera, soo please say Canoooeee or UCDeeeeee or Cheeeeeese :-p
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Carla! on February 16, 2011, 09:35:41
Hey- I cant help pack the trailer on Thursday as I have a lab :-(
BUT il help do anything trailerwise that needs to be done from 3 until the bus leaves on Friday if thats any cosolence  :)
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: finch on February 16, 2011, 10:18:51
I'll be there helping out - Can't wait for this weekend ;D
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Maryanne on February 16, 2011, 14:48:11
POLO: Matt E, Leighton, Maryanne, Colm N
WHITEWATER: Matt E, Karen, Nuala
LONG DISTANCE: Leighton, Finch, Eoghan, Carla, Matt F, Nuala, Livia, Micheal, Jer, Rachel McK, Joe F, Lucy, Joe C, Nick, Lester, Anna, Gareth, Colm N
FREESTYLE: Matt E, Simon, Nuala, Maryanne
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Maryanne on February 16, 2011, 14:49:36
Alright Maryanne,

here we go:

1. payed the money  :)
2. excited for the weekend   ^-^
3. will do my best in the competition   :)
3. got a fancy dress costume  evil.gif

16:00 - I'll be there helping :)
18:00 - joining you guys heading to city centre :)
19:00 - yes, I f people wanna stay and party I'll join ;)

9:30 + 11:00 - !!!GO UCD POLO TEAM!!!  afro.gif
17:00 - I'll be there helping :)
18:00 Let the party begin  8)

Saturday + Sunday
as mentioned above I'll do my very best in the competition and I will bring my camera, soo please say Canoooeee or UCDeeeeee or Cheeeeeese :-p

Like  ;D
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: kmck on February 16, 2011, 16:59:21
Friday    6:00  wake up
Friday    6:30  leave house head for Dublin
Friday    7:45  arrive in UCD have breakfast
Friday    8:20  find place to work
Friday    13:00 Lunch
Friday    17:00 Might call over to say hello
Friday    21:00 Find a place to sleep
Saturday 8:00 Breakfast
Saturday 9:00 Into UCD find place to work
Saturday 13:00 Lunch
Saturday at some stage I will head to John's for a while but will probably be heading home saturday night.

All this time I will be very jealous of all the fun you'll be having in Cork.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Tiny Tim on February 16, 2011, 17:29:01
i spotted a lot of finding places to work but no work scheduled
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: kmck on February 16, 2011, 17:49:21
Depends on if the lab I use for work is being used for teaching.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Mick DUKC on February 16, 2011, 19:38:39
If there is anyone driving down late on Friday evening then I'm looking for a lift. Petrol money and maybe even Trinity's secret varsities winning tactics are on offer to the driver!
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: kmck on February 16, 2011, 20:56:57
Don't get completely rat arsed if you're competeting with a view to winning an event?
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: finch on February 16, 2011, 21:41:52
If there is anyone driving down late on Friday evening then I'm looking for a lift. Petrol money and maybe even Trinity's secret varsities winning tactics are on offer to the driver!

What time you want to head down ??
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Mick DUKC on February 16, 2011, 23:18:24
I should be able to do anytime after 7.
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Peegor on February 17, 2011, 14:03:14
If there is anyone driving down late on Friday evening then I'm looking for a lift. Petrol money and maybe even Trinity's secret varsities winning tactics are on offer to the driver!

What time you want to head down ??
you driving finch?
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: finch on February 17, 2011, 14:16:04
No just checking what time he wanted to head down - Bus is leaving at 6.30 which is pretty late
Title: Re: Trailer packing for Varsities!
Post by: Peegor on February 18, 2011, 10:56:57
No just checking what time he wanted to head down - Bus is leaving at 6.30 which is pretty late

true that.

well enjoy the weekend. It is increasingly unlikely that I wil be making it down