Author Topic: stuff lost at party on friday  (Read 9763 times)

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
stuff lost at party on friday
« on: July 05, 2004, 09:16:30 »
hey guys,

thanks to everyone who came along on friday, especially those who helped clean up on saturday (and during friday night after one incident involving Lou-Spew)

There was a silver bracelet-ty type thing left in the house, large enough to fit my wrist, so possibly a blokes.
Might get around to posting a photo of it on the gallery later.
If it sounds familiar, gis a shout on 0872463392 or email me at


Offline The.Van.Man

  • Posts: 1
stuff lost at party on friday
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2004, 17:22:27 »
I lost my mind for about 2 hours om friday noght
got it back the next morning but some bits were missing

please fill in the blanks!!!