Author Topic: When are people available to do paddling stuff over the Summer, in general like  (Read 7654 times)

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
I know that some of you have plans and jobs and all that and that some of you are up to sweet fuck all.
So to know when's a good time to suggest to do things, when are people mostly going to be free?

Me, I'm usually don't work on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; if I'm not working then I'm probably raring to go paddling with some prior notice to plan things. I can also do Monday-Thursday evenings.

What about you people?

Offline Garbhan

  • omg guys, the forum time is BST instead of GMT :O
  • Posts: 330
  • mmmmm.... timeee....
I should be free most Saturdays and Sunday.

Offline Diarmuid

  • Captain 13/14
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we'll go with weeknights + weekends
Though i don't think I'll be able to do tues / thurs nights :)

Offline Chunderdragon

  • Posts: 476
ill be back beginning of august, raring to go!

Offline CormacR

  • Sexually Frustrated Officer
  • Posts: 374
  • I can't change that sexually frustrated thing
At the moment I'm a bum so am free when I'm not sleeping, and even that can be altered.
With any luck this will change. I just don't know what to

Offline Niall Finch

  • Safety Officer 13/14
  • Posts: 881
  • Onwards and downwards !
whenever i'm not busy licking my feet...

I'll most likely be availableduring week days/evenings. Fridays, Satudays and Sundays probably won't suit due to me woekinf in a pub and all that :'(
« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 16:06:17 by Eoghan »