Author Topic: camera  (Read 9827 times)

Offline holly

  • Posts: 195
« on: August 31, 2004, 11:44:40 »
hey guys

just wondering does anyone know of the whereabouts of my lovely digital camera? dave, is it still in your house from saturday, or did someone take it by mistake?
please let me know it's ok!! there's valuable photo's of meabh with bleached and orange hair on it!

thanks, holly x

Offline dave

  • Posts: 28
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2004, 17:41:25 »
Hi Holly,

I am holding it against its will and taking photo's of Mick Moore with it. How much will you pay me to stop the inhuman abuse?


PS I might be in O'Neills tomorrow but will be at the Decent for sure.

Offline holly

  • Posts: 195
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2004, 23:08:03 »
how could you subject my camera to such sights???

glad it's safe (??)
wont be at at the descent, but if you could give to to coaimhe, lolly or someone like that it'd be great. if not, it really doesnt matter.
holly x

Offline dave

  • Posts: 28
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2004, 12:58:11 »

Still have your camera. Give me a shout and we can sort out and exchange...

087 2225761..