Author Topic: REC Training  (Read 30673 times)

Offline Mr C

  • Posts: 546
REC Training
« on: October 20, 2003, 19:46:21 »
Hi guys,
As ever I still want to do my REC and I've been talking to a few people... The best option I have is that the ICU will talk to the REC trainers & get the best deal. Conor has also offered the use of the Training Centre. The best arrangement seems to be:

Weekend 1 (Sat & Sun): REC2 course, suitable for any club paddler who wants a bit more of that safety feeling in the cockles of their heart! The REC2 is sort of a first aid course specially for outdoorsie types.

Weekend 2: (One day): REC3, for those who have done the previous weekend and want to do their REC3. The REC3 is only really needed by people who are training (or want) to be instructors. The extra expense is not really justified otherwise.

If you're interested please reply & state what level you want to achieve. Be warned - the cost will probably be about €50-70 per day per person. I will be back with more info a.s.a.p.

If you've got problems with this don't bother posting - I really don't care: if you were that interested you'd have done this by now with your "better" way & I wouldn't be posting this :twisted:  :lol:

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
REC Training
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2003, 11:07:53 »
Put me done for the rec3 course

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
REC2 Course Details
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2003, 13:08:22 »
Hey guys,
Colin asked me to post this as he can't access a computer at the mo.

For those of you who don't know what REC means, it stands for Rescue Emergency Care. It is a very good first aid course.

The story with the REC2 course is:
There needs to be a minimum of 10 people to do the course, with a max allowable of 12.
If there are only 10 doing it, the cost will be €95 per person for the two-day course.

It will be held on the weekend of December 6th/7th at the ICU Centre, which is located out in the Strawberry Beds near Lucan.

Anyone interested in doing the course will need to give Colin a deposit of €25 before Friday 24th Oct (this friday). Names will be taken on a first come first served basis.
Colin's mobile number is 0868302419.

The details for the REC3 can be sorted out while doing the REC2.

This course is worthwhile doing. I did one a couple of years ago and would highly recommend it. Anyone thinking of doing it to get in touch with Colin.

Offline cat halpin

  • Posts: 128
REC Training
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2003, 14:22:46 »
colin, i will defo be interested in doing the course, and will give you the deposit on thursday evening after the pool session if i am not working. Also i want to do the rec 3 so keep my name in mind for that.

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
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REC Training
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2003, 14:41:20 »
I have a lot of Scout Leaders who need training. I'm presuming that it's cool if they attend. The more the merrier and teh cheaper. Let me know if my presumption is correct.

Offline El Diablo

  • Posts: 115
only interested in REC 3
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2003, 14:57:31 »
Slapper/Colin lease keep me in mind for REC 3.  I will also talk to a friend of mine who is an instructor and see when he is running another.   The guy is a paramedic and paddler so he knows  his stuff.  The stories of motorcycle accidents where the victim leaves his balls on the handle bars as he flys off the bike are hard to take but his heart is in the right place. :roll:

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
  • People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durdan
REC Training
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2003, 15:25:04 »
Is that the lad who lives in Churchtown with sea kayaks on his Winabego? What's his name again? Paul........

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
REC Training
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2003, 15:46:35 »

I was talking to Colin and he said he's happy enough with whoever goes on the course, but there are a maximum of 12 spaces available on it.
He needs to pay the deposit this friday, so it is a case of first come (ie. deposit paid) first served.

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
  • People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durdan
REC Training
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2003, 16:07:20 »

Je Comprond
I've been trying to organise a course for the scouts, but this seems to be an unbeatable price. Who is running teh course?

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
REC Training
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2003, 16:22:44 »
Not sure who'll be giving the course.
Colin said he was talking to Conor Ryan, who rang around the instrucxtors and got the best price going.
Colin will know the details (maybe). He merely asked me to put up the post coz he has no access to a computer today and it seems to be pretty well known that i have access to d'internet all the time during work and am spending most of my time surfing the web until i leave work this Friday. Woohoo!


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« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2003, 16:26:39 »
yep sign me up

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
REC Training
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2003, 17:40:35 »
Yeah i'd love to get my REC2,
with the idea of gettng the REC3 (cause i kinda want get a instructor thingy)
But REC2 will prob be more realistics,
so yeah put me down for that,
Dave Hannon


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« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2003, 19:41:18 »
there's not much point in me doing my rec3 right now i mean you need it for your instructor level one(which I want to do) but it expires doesn't it if you don't finish your level one within a certain time of doing the rec3.
please confirm this, I know that you'll correct me if I'm wrong
thanks :D

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
REC Training
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2003, 21:24:27 »
i wanna do it too but i gotta do the level 1 training. dont u have to have REC3 done before u can sit your assessment? if u do and there are limited places shouldnt we organise it so that the people who need to do it get some priority. if not then put me down

Offline Simon

  • Posts: 40
REC Training
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2003, 21:48:03 »
The REC3 lasts for 3 years before it elapses. Also you need to have a valid REC3 to remain an instructor.

I would recommend anyone do a REC 2 or 3 course, whether you are planning on doing an instructorship or not; while this one of the reasons to do a REC course, it is not the most important one by a long shot. I have two holes in my head that lay testament to that fact!

BTW, I am hoping to organise a REC4 course (advanced) some stage early next year, anyone interested please let me know, no idea on costs yet.
