My god mark-i mean, i'm all for equality of the sexes and all that but that was just GAY!! Do you also need to top up your fake tan before you go cos god forbid anyone sees your pasty white legs!!!! Use the commerce girls diet- smoke 20 cigarettes a day, drink 5 insomnia coffees (black, no sugar) and if you slip up at all by having say, a stick of chewing gum just indulge in a little bit of good old fashioned bulimia!! You'll drop a dress size in no time!!
Ok rant over- i actually have important stuff to say! The booze has been bought but the BYOB rule still applies- if everyone lashes into the free booze at 8 o'clock it'll be all gone at approx. 8:10 so we're not gonna let that happen. bring along your own beer (or cider if you're Cillian) and let us look after the rest! To everyone who is still on the fence bout freshers weekend or has some other plans come down tonight and i know we can change your mind! Learning how to hold your drink is an essential life lesson and we have taken it upon ourselves to teach you!