I think most of the problems with Kerry would be solved my moving a mile up the road to glenbeigh and basing the clubs there.
There were a lot less people there this year and a lot of houses didn't rent so in theory should be cheaper next year and don't have the same reputation of being iceboxes but this year was colder than most.
The cork oldies had a house this year for 100euros a head including light and heat, there is better value out there just find someone who speaks local.
Glenbeigh is also meant to be a lot of fun for a night. There were bands in the towers most night we were there this year and they enjoy the same opening hours in the village expect the night the sergeant was off sick.
The main advantage of there it is now is how familiar it is, both the locality and the rivers. I know where I am cos I was drunk here before and the get off is actually around the next corner.
But i don't like change