Author Topic: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!  (Read 33475 times)

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
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Wow I was suprised after the boathouse clean up how much there really was! Claim it or collect it in the next 2 weeks, if it hasn't been by then, then everything is up for grabs or getting binned!!!!

The numerous pairs of boxers and knickers (what where you doing??!! ;)) and socks were binned.....!

here is the list:

*Navy sleeping bag with yellow stars
*Navy sleeping bag
*Navy+blue sleeping bag
*Black sleeping bag with orange inside
*Green sleeping bag with grey inside
*Red sleeping bag in red tucksack

*Grey dunnes fleecy jumper
*Green hoodie with black stars
*Navy St. Louis hoodie
*North face blue hoodie with multicoloured logo[mark]
*Navy fleece with thin grey stripe
*Yellow Bench zip-up hoodie
*Blue wool knitted polo neck jumper
*Quicksilver green/grey hoodie
*Red Dunnes hoodie
*Blue zip-up Pepe jeans hoodie
*Black Athlete hoodie with blue designs
*Black hoodie (with dubvious stain on sleeve...)
*Black Oasis cardigan

*White t-shirt with orange logo and Arabic writing[jer]
*Grey canoeing liffey decent 2008 t-shirt
*Black t-shirt with "Pimps" on it...and a picture of pimps (whoever owns this much be such a player!! ;))[mark]
*Purple t-shirt
*Light blue stripy shirt
*Red Kansas University t-shirt

*Black Mac raincoat
*Green waterproof trousers XL
*Small black waterproof trousers
*Blue Volvo ocean race waterproof jacket
*Blue raincoat
*Blue waterproof trousers

*UCD scarf
*Pink (pashmina? or whatever theyre called) scarf
*Greeny/Grey scarf with black design
*Grey scarf
*Black knitted scarf

There is a selection of booties and shoes. Including the following (too many to list):
*1 silver stilletto (ATTENTION CINDERELLA!!!)
*1 brown loafer
*Pair of brown sandals
*Assorted booties
*Pair of white runners that don't have backs on them
*Pair of hiking boots (orange inside)

*Black jacket
*Brown leather jacket with cream stripe down each sleeve
*Black Air jacket

*White santa hat
*Cream corderoy farmer's hat
*Blue speedo plastic swimming hat
*Black hat with a red 'B' on it

*Black leggings
*Pair of black gloves
*Wynnster Prarie 4 tent
*Brown bed sheet (WHY??)
*Blue Addidas bag
*Purple tights
*Brown tights
*Green shoulder bag
*1 Blue ski glove
*Black umbrella with cherries on it
*Addidas swimming shorts
*Pink bashstreet surfing towel...[fuzzy]
*Grey ski pants
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 11:08:11 by You think you're funny? Old Carla! »

Offline Ley-Ley

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Please note, that the people who were at the clean up have first dibs.

Offline DNKY

  • Posts: 584
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i love the novelties the clean-up people get to enjoy! :D

Offline Mark

  • Posts: 854
The blue north face hoodie and pimps t-shirt is mine :D. Is the rain code blue or navy blue can you remember?


  • Guest
The white t-shirt with the orange logo is mine.

Offline Carla!

  • Committee 10/11
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The blue north face hoodie and pimps t-shirt is mine :D. Is the rain code blue or navy blue can you remember?
WOW mark you big G*A*N*G*S*T*A!! afro.gif

not really sure about the rain coat. clare and I had a few problems defining the colours of certain items od clothing... its hard to tell the thin line where "blue" turns to "navy" at times...! ;D

Offline rog

  • Ginger Giant
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its hard to tell the thin line where "blue" turns to "navy" at times...! ;D

Its not that thin a line, you forget about teal!!!

Offline Matt Flood

  • Committee 11/12
  • Posts: 342
after all that cleaning theres still no sign of jodys boat .............

Offline Robyn

  • Posts: 336
ring it! did people find my towel? blue stripy one?

Offline clarec

  • Committee 10/11
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Oh oh I did find a bunch of towels and other shite after that list was made... as for the colour they've all jumbled up into one big rainbow in my head... but one was stripy? maybe...?  ???

Offline DNKY

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Re: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2010, 14:57:34 »
I found a couple of used tampons, so I dibsed them!!!! Score!!

Offline Eoghan

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Re: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2010, 17:06:26 »
charming meghan!!

woo can't wait to see/wreck the new n improved boathouse!  :D

any loner thinsulate gloves and booties found?? ah i'll find them...eventually  :)

Offline DNKY

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Re: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2010, 17:22:29 »
I found a couple of used tampons, so I dibsed them!!!! Score!!

this was leightons doing! i would never be so crude!  :P leightons rudeness however is unaccountable for!

Offline Evan

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Re: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2010, 17:26:22 »
this was leightons doing! i would never be so crude!  :P

What, the using of the tampons or the leaving them lying around the boathouse?

Offline rog

  • Ginger Giant
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Re: ALL OF THE BOATHOUSE LOST PROPERTY-claim before it goes up for grabs!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2010, 17:30:05 »
after all that cleaning theres still no sign of jodys boat .............

Forget about jody's boat, its a lost cause!! What about cormacs car?!! Did u see that there?
 Please say u did