Wow I was suprised after the boathouse clean up how much there really was! Claim it or collect it in the next 2 weeks, if it hasn't been by then, then everything is up for grabs or getting binned!!!!
The numerous pairs of boxers and knickers (
what where you doing??!! 
) and socks were binned.....!
here is the list:
SLEEPING BAGS*Navy sleeping bag with yellow stars
*Navy sleeping bag
*Navy+blue sleeping bag
*Black sleeping bag with orange inside
*Green sleeping bag with grey inside
*Red sleeping bag in red tucksack
JUMPERS, HOODIES AND CARDIGAN*Grey dunnes fleecy jumper
*Green hoodie with black stars
*Navy St. Louis hoodie
*North face blue hoodie with multicoloured logo
[mark]*Navy fleece with thin grey stripe
*Yellow Bench zip-up hoodie
*Blue wool knitted polo neck jumper
*Quicksilver green/grey hoodie
*Red Dunnes hoodie
*Blue zip-up Pepe jeans hoodie
*Black Athlete hoodie with blue designs
*Black hoodie (
with dubvious stain on sleeve...)
*Black Oasis cardigan
T-SHIRTS AND SHIRT*White t-shirt with orange logo and Arabic writing
[jer]*Grey canoeing liffey decent 2008 t-shirt
*Black t-shirt with "Pimps" on it...and a picture of pimps (
whoever owns this much be such a player!! 
[mark]*Purple t-shirt
*Light blue stripy shirt
*Red Kansas University t-shirt
*Green waterproof trousers XL
*Small black waterproof trousers
*Blue Volvo ocean race waterproof jacket
*Blue raincoat
*Blue waterproof trousers
*Pink (
pashmina? or whatever theyre called) scarf
*Greeny/Grey scarf with black design
*Grey scarf
*Black knitted scarf
SHOESThere is a selection of booties and shoes. Including the following (too many to list):
*1 silver stilletto (
*1 brown loafer
*Pair of brown sandals
*Assorted booties
*Pair of white runners that don't have backs on them
*Pair of hiking boots (orange inside)
JACKETS*Black jacket
*Brown leather jacket with cream stripe down each sleeve
*Black Air jacket
HATS*White santa hat
*Cream corderoy farmer's hat
*Blue speedo plastic swimming hat
*Black hat with a red 'B' on it
OTHER*Black leggings
*Pair of black gloves
*Wynnster Prarie 4 tent
*Brown bed sheet (
*Blue Addidas bag
*Purple tights
*Brown tights
*Green shoulder bag
*1 Blue ski glove
*Black umbrella with cherries on it
*Addidas swimming shorts
*Pink bashstreet surfing towel...
[fuzzy]*Grey ski pants