Author Topic: Gallery  (Read 23240 times)

Offline Dan

  • Posts: 112
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2004, 13:55:09 »
Hi Guys,
Ok here is the major problem with the gallery. It appears that some photos are being added to the gallery at full resolution. The following Albums are all very large taking up over 50% of the space we have available.
They all seem to have been uploaded straight from the camera without any re-sizing.
Freshers trip 03  
Pool Party
Easky 03
Lahinch Photo's from James
Limerick 03
Ball and stuff  

There is over 150 MB of space takin up by these albums
To put this into perspective that is about 50% of the space taken up by about 15% of the photos.
Here is an example of the size of image

I will be deleting these albums, if the owners want to resize them and put them back up thats fine but its not viable to keep them taking up that much space. Nor is it fair to the people who are waiting to upload new photos.
I would ask anyone who has uploaded images to look at their albums and make sure there isn't any large images.


Offline cat halpin

  • Posts: 128
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2004, 17:24:39 »
agree with donnie. i dont care how many people it took to shave the heads of the boyz in d alps. why not take the top twenty photos from all the alps albums, and just keep them. most of those photos are just scenery, or people sitting around in a campsite. more suited to just being in a personal album than a public gallery me thinks.

Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
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« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2004, 17:28:38 »
Not bitter at all are we Cat?

Meee Owwwwwwwww. Saucer of milk to table 5 please.

Offline cat halpin

  • Posts: 128
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2004, 10:39:00 »
yup. i have to cut my hair myself!!!!!!

Offline Dan

  • Posts: 112
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2004, 11:21:17 »
Quote from: "Dan"

  • André's Easky 2000 Pics
  • André's Boiiing and John's 21st Pics
  • André's Intervarsities 2000 Pics
  • Kilkenny 2002*2
  • André's Una 21st Pics
  • André's Kerry 2000-2001 Pics

Ok I deleted these albums so Mick & Eoghan could upload new photos.
This only freed up 20Mb of space.
I will be deleting over size albums next week  :wink:

Offline Dan

  • Posts: 112
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2004, 18:27:58 »
Quote from: "Dan"

Freshers trip 03  
Pool Party
Easky 03
Lahinch Photo's from James
Limerick 03
Ball and stuff  

I will be deleting these albums, if the owners want to resize them and put them back up thats fine but its not viable to keep them taking up that much space. Nor is it fair to the people who are waiting to upload new photos.

Ok I deleted the following albums:
Lahinch Photo's from James - 50MB
Freshers trip 03  - 49MB
Pool Party - 13MB
Easky 03 - 13MB
Limerick 03 - 13MB
Ball and stuff  7MB

This album is next on the list, i must have missed it last time
Achill 2003 ~ 6MB

If the owners of the albums want to resize them and re-upload feel free.


Offline Brendino

  • Posts: 386
  • People are always asking me if I know Tyler Durdan
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2004, 13:58:30 »
I know that you have sorted out the gallery Dan, but, if you would like to get rid of teh Lucan / DunLaoghaire and Spot the difference photos, you can. I know they don't take up much space, but they could be taking up none. Although it might be nice to some photos of people in boats on a canoe club website? It's up to you.

Is it just me or are there too many Emoticons now. How can we chose.

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2004, 09:29:19 »

if you put the gallery up, you are able to take it down too.
You have full control over your own galleries.