Ladies and Gentlemen paddlers,
I don't mean to alarm you, but there are only four club trips left this UCDCC kayaking year

before we all hang up our helmets and devote ourselves to study and exams and then scatter to the four winds for the summer.
Let's make these last four trips the best and most rewarding ever!
And by that I mean, let's have all the craic we can AND come away with something concrete to show for it!
Let's do some assessments!
Here's a link to a
sign up sheet, give that an aul click
and sell me your soul.
And here are some of the excited comments I made on facebook:
(I've used smiley faces as bullet points in an attempt to convey my excitement!)

Did I mention I think everyone should do an assessment?

They're excellent opportunities to have an amazing day's kayaking, learning and a reward at the end!

Having a L2 or L3 especially is looked on very favourably if you ever wanted to borrow club gear...just sayin'

Getting a L2 or L3 in your first year in the club is rare, because normally we don't have enough people at the right stage to run them, this year we have oodles of freshers and second years who are deadly!

Going on Erasmus or an exchange next year? Do an assessment now so when you come back the committee of 13/14 will know what level you were at!
Preliminary training and assessment calendar24/03 - L2 pre-assessment training
- L3 pre-assessment training
31/03 - L3 assessment
- L2 assessment
- UCPL matches
01/04 - UCPL matches
07/04 - L3 assessment
- L2 assessment
14/04 - fun and banterful last trip of the year