Author Topic: River Running - Information and resources.  (Read 7721 times)

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
River Running - Information and resources.
« on: April 22, 2012, 20:33:59 »
Ever watch a kayaking video and find yourself thinking "I would really love if they explained how they did that" but all you get is them talking crap about how "Rivers are the life-blood of the planet", talking about their testicles and using words like "Gnarly", "Stout", "Sick" and "Brown". And then there's all that Dub-Step...

Here's a place for posting up online video and articles that talk about bettering technique and river running skills. Also a place to suggest books and and DVDs that might be worth buying. What about those gems of advice, information and experience that you've picked up along the way. All welcome.

Let's get the ball rolling...

Gene17 has some good videos that have good information, but tend to be frightfully boring. A good bit of their stuff is online here and here are some of the good bits.


Whitewater paddling tv


Franco Ferrero - Whitewater Safety and Rescue
Seamus MacGearailt - A Guide to Irish Whitewater Rivers
I've got both of those and would be happy to lend them to anyone who wants to borrow them.

River Info. online:
Irish whitewater -river guides
Liffey Releases
Irish River Levels - Facebook


« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 21:42:07 by Douchier »

Offline Ross

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Re: River Running - Information and resources.
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 21:16:19 »
I've found these videos pretty cool and informative, a lot of stuff on rolling among other things.

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
Re: River Running - Information and resources.
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 21:29:49 »
There are some good videos there. Generally quite clear, but  some of the techniques I wouldn't agree with.
Most of it's dead on, it's only the certain place where I find it questionable.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 21:59:12 by Douchier »

Offline Bill C

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Re: River Running - Information and resources.
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 21:38:33 »
This guy is very good for different rolling techniques:

Don't be put off by his speedos.

Offline Douchier

  • Posts: 360
Re: River Running - Information and resources.
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2012, 21:44:08 »
What I really like about that video is how well it demonstrates that rolling is a core movement and doesn't have that much to do with movement of the blade.

Look at where the blade is when he starts and when he finished - it hardly moves position in the water!
The camera pans right, but the blade stays in the same place in the pool. make sense
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 20:04:49 by Douchier »