Training does sound cool.
I see it having two important levels.
1: On one level, we rarely paddle long boats so any chance we can get to become comfortable in them and learn to paddle them properly is going to be really useful.
2: Fitness and technique.
If there are any dates this week/next week/ anytime that people are up for a larger day where we could head to the dodder and bring anyone interested to try themselves out in all the boats going then stick your names and dates down.
If a few people want to train any time then stick it up or arrange it amongst yourselves and go training!
The more training that we can get in from right now the better.
If you go out, please stick it up on the board, it'll be nice to see what people are doing and also be nice encouragement for others.
If you do this you'll need to fill out borrowing forms, no biggie.
this is a category where we can do really well and really get a lot of points from (it's worth more than the rest).
If we put in the effort now then it'll really pay off.