Author Topic: Private trips  (Read 24446 times)

Offline kmck

  • Posts: 4,529
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Private trips
« on: February 05, 2004, 13:28:25 »
We are going to follow our code of practice to the letter.
This means you must have the recognised ICU qualification to paddle that section of river. In other words you need at least level 3 to particpate in private trips.

You must give us 2 days notice if you want to borrow club gear.
If you want to get private gear still give us at least a days warning so that we can budget time as I am sure you are aware most of us are in lectures and doing write ups.

All club gear most be signed out; on sign out forms, these are available for download from as is the code of practice.

If you do not have the revelant qualification there must be an instuctor present as part of your group.

The descission of whether you will be allowed to borrow gear will be decided by the committee.

To contact us regarding borrowing club gear just send a private message to Both Andy and myself. We will get back to you as soon as possible with the name, number and time a member of the committee will be available.

With the return of gear I will be available to go to the boathouse to collect it. If I am not make sure gear is returned by contacting a member of the committee.

We have had to tighten up the lending of gear due to safety and liabilty problems.

No gear will be allowed to be borrowed if you don't give notice!
All particpating members using club gear must give notice and sign out gear.
If it is a mixed group of private and club anyone using club gear must sign out and give two days notice prior to the trip.
Failure to do so will mean you won't be allowed to borrow gear.

I hope this does not appear too draconian but the committee feels that this is necessary for safe running of the club.

Remember using club gear on private trips is not a right it is a privallage.
If abused will be removed.


  • Guest
Private trips
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 14:43:05 »
Fair play. Make them buy there own gear

Offline allio

  • Posts: 437
two day rule?????
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2004, 09:02:37 »
now not to seem a bit silly,

but doesn't this seem a bit ridiculous in a country where rivers can go up or down on a sneeze of water seem a bit ridiculous?

I mean, it rains last night, the annamoe is running today, and I give two days notice and the water is......... let me see.......   gone!

seems a bit iffy.
but, on the other hand, if you want to discourage people from paddling on a whim, this is gonna do it......

my .02$


Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
Private trips
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2004, 09:24:09 »
there's always the weather forecast that can be checked out in advance............

if people are free to grab club boats and club gear at will, the club is going to lose lots of gear as has happened so often in the past.

I think Kieran was right to point out the rules that need to be followed for taking club gear.

Offline carlito

  • Posts: 120
Private trips
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 10:06:25 »

Don't all these students have lectures and tutorials and practicals to go to?

Offline allio

  • Posts: 437
let me clarify....
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2004, 10:37:02 »
if someone contacts kieran and andy and asks can they take gear, and have already sorted a way to get it out, and can fill out the form on the spot, why two days? it seems like a pretty arbitrary length of time. it's not as if the borrowing of said gear has to be cleared by committee.

and is this going to be selectively enforced?
I mean, if someone turns up on a saturday morning at the boathouse, and kieran and andy are there and they want to take something out for the day cos it's rained the night before........

two day's seems like an arbitrary length of time is all I'm sayin......


Offline Dan

  • Posts: 112
Private trips
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2004, 10:53:43 »
Hey Alan,
You must give us 2 days notice if you want to borrow club gear.

If you want to be assured of of having gear on a particular day make sure you give notice, we may be able to open it earlier but don't ring on the day expecting to have the boathouse opened immediately.....
The committee will be reasonable about this and we would expect the members to act the same....

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
Private trips
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2004, 11:01:22 »
here here

Offline TomB

  • Posts: 296
Private trips
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2004, 11:06:15 »
people seem to think that committee have nothing better to be doin than opening the boathouse for people. we have our on labs etc to go to. any way the said private trips have been to places likethe sluice and wrens etc, there has been no private trips to wicklow that has caused this problem. so two days notice is enough with that in mind


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Private trips
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2004, 11:09:47 »
People should get there own boats.

Offline cormac

  • Posts: 326
Private trips
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2004, 11:11:26 »
This debate has waged ever since I can remember.

It benefits the club to let people go paddling on extra-curricular trips, as they develop their paddling/rescue skills.  It also benefits the club to have a stock of good gear that hasn't been thrashed/lost on private trips or remained in people's back gardens after the trip.  So if people were reasonable with and respected the gear that they get to borrow, then the club has respected that and is reasonable in lending the gear.

Everyone's a winner!


Offline wackers

  • Posts: 105
Private trips
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2004, 12:08:30 »
At last the comittee have risen from the ashes of impeachment and shown them selves to be worthy of any comittee in any government.
How better to solve a problem than by intorducing forms and redtape.
Will we need to fill out the form in triplicate and do I keep the blue sheet or the yellow one and do I need to get it stamped before submitting it or do I just get my copy stamped.
Perhaps you could publish a handbook or guide to the use of said form or do we need a form to apply for the guide.


  • Guest
Private trips
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2004, 12:16:38 »
In reality i think that private trips have been authorised or simply overlooked because they have been run safely with no damage to club gear and with rescue or with paddlers of a significant ability and that the committee are only really bringing this up now because people weren't using their common sense. That's all I mean when people start ignoring common sense others have to impose rules that's all it is, a reminder.
Don't really know why i'm posting have all my own gear.

Offline Greg

  • Posts: 48
Please Note..
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2004, 13:06:32 »
People just to point out that these rules have been in place for a long time.  The reason they are there is that the college does not recognise private trips.  To the college every time the club gear is used it is automatically a club trip, and the committee is responsible for making sure that the trip is run to the colleges satisfaction, that is to the same standard as club trips.  Damage to club gear I do not think is a real issue, it is a question of liability if someone is hurt.

It is all fine to say this is an unfair or unworkable system when you are not the one who will take the heat if one simple incident occurs.  And this is the colleges attitude, as it sees it, if someone is hurt using club gear, they will sue the college.  While the Canoe Club does not have an active history of suing the college, there are plenty of cases out there to back up the college's attitude.

On a further point, these debates rage every year regarding different aspects of the Code of Practice, which I advise all to read, maybe it is time to revisit the document and add or subtract from it with reference to our experience from the last three years.  It has to be resubmitted each september to the college anyway.

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Private trips
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2004, 13:23:26 »
im just wondering does the 2 day rule still apply to private gear that is in the boathouse?

i dont think it does or should, but i obviously understand that the committee members need notice to open the boat house or meet people to let them borrow their key etc. cos they dont have other things to be doing.

on that note, i just wanna thank all the committee members who have let me into the boathouse over the last while, i know its (and i am) a pain in the ass.