Woo! I've already done this, but I'd thoroughly recommend it to everyone

I think it's very important that the club gets another one running soon (either before/during the summer or in September) so that anyone with a L3 (or who gets signed off as being very close to that standard) can take part too.
Ideally this would give a whole new group of people the training they need to develop their own skills in a new area (instructing) while investing back in to the club (at pool sessions and river trips).
It's a great way to challenge yourself on club trips and keeps them really interesting since you're developing a whole new skill set, which benefits not just yourself, but the whole club.
Eight people took part in the course that was run in September and while everyone was enthusiastic at the start and some participants have invested time and effort back in to the club since, the pay off was not as large as there was potential for.
Maybe next time round it would be worth posing a target time to do assessments to give more motivation.
Now that L2 instructors can sign off on hours and we have more structured pool sessions a rota could be drawn up to keep everyone logging. There are 6 hours (3 pool, 3 river) to be logged by an individual with the club each week, so it's an ideal environment for trainee instructors.