Author Topic: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)  (Read 22264 times)

Offline Scabidas

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 10:40:22 »
Ok so if we're to be there by 17:40 then lets leave my house at 3, in that case, people be at my house for half 2 or so, so we can load shit up :)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:43:44 by Deividas.Rainys »

Offline Ross

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2013, 18:31:58 »
I won't be finished work until 5.30, so I won't be there until after midnight I reckon...

Offline DervM

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2013, 23:47:55 »
Ross is no longer driving, Peter might be. I'm aiming too blasht on out of work and move home tomorrow. Leaving me properly free!

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2013, 11:11:21 »
I'm driving. Leaving Limerick around 2.30. Giving Derv a lift.

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2013, 20:16:43 »
Another very successful weekend in Clifden. 6 people eligible to compete for UCD on the water. 4 tides in a row paddled. A (probable) record set for a club trip on Saturday, on the water at 6.40 in the morning and finished by 9!

A huge leap forward in playboating for all despite the unusually high tides handing out thrashings. Plenty of swims. Excellent to see most people were getting long surfs in the hole and completing real competition moves.

Looking very far ahead:
As suggested over the weeekend consider Clifden instead of Easkey next June BH weekend. The tides will be good Friday and Saturday.
2014-05-30 Friday
00:37 IST 0.71m. Low Tide
07:04 IST 4.62m. High Tide
12:49 IST 0.94m. Low Tide
19:16 IST 4.79m. High Tide

2014-05-31 Saturday
01:14 IST 0.78m. Low Tide
07:41 IST 4.50m. High Tide
13:25 IST 1.06m. Low Tide
19:52 IST 4.66m. High Tide

Offline kmck

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Re: Clifden lifts (23-25 August 2013)
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2013, 13:55:17 »
Have to say thanks to Peter for pushing this and for pushing us on the water. We were very lucky to have both Peter and Ronan there for the weekend. Very sore today, but also very happy at how my paddling improved over the weekend. Went from no roll to an okay roll by the end of the weekend will keep practicing to make it better. Nearly got a loop and got a flat spin and the start of a cartwheel though think my final ride on Saturday had the most random moves of the week.

I would certainly go back for a weekend, a week might push it but could change it up with a mixture of surfing and playboating.