There are a couple of categories that run in the WW race league. In Galwayfest and Wacko they tend to have four main categories: Women's Expert, Men's Expert, Men's Sport, and Women's Sport. The Sport categories are for your first few races in the league (I've been told for only your first race).
Sport is a great category; it's smaller, you're more likely to place in it, and everyone loves to see people starting out in Sport. Sometimes they offer to allow people in the category to have a shadow if they want it or feel they need it.
However, you normally race totally alone. In Wacko there are only two places with rescue - Trooperstown and Jacksons. So you're solo between those.
Best thing to do is to get onto Niamh Cleary and tell her the level you're at and ask what she thinks and then she'll send you on a form
