It's the most wonderful time of the year...Hey everyone, the semester is nearly over and we're edging more and more to Christmas time, meaning it's also time for our annual
Kris Kindle!They'll be presented by
Santa Claus at the Christmas Party at MacTurcaills Pub on Fri 28th November -
see Facebook for details of the event! So this means that everyone needs to bring along their present all wrapped and ready to be given out
So without further ado, pop your name down below and I'll send ye round messages to let everyone know who their Kris Kindle is!
I'll let everyone know who they got by the end of the week so
FRIDAY 21st is the absolute last day to take part!
Psst. If anyone has an odd name for the Forum, I'd greatly appreciate if you could message me who you are and I can include you!
See ye at the Christmas party