Author Topic: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D  (Read 20177 times)

Offline Vettie

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Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« on: January 28, 2015, 14:06:41 »
Intervarsities February 6th – 8th
Wooooo we’re off to Galway in just over ONE week, February 6th – 8th, for an entire three days of Intervarsities!! It’s set to be a weekend of fierce and cut-throat competition between all the college kayaking clubs in Ireland. Claws at the ready! P.S. As always there will most definitely be plenty of partying and fancy dress/costumes  ;) ^-^ !!

First things first, we’ll meet in the UCD Clubhouse Bar at 6.15pm on Friday February 6th to get the partying underway. Then it’s off at 7pm for one hell of a bus journey!...think sing-alongs, craic and breaking in the Refreshers !! Feel free to stock up on the alcohol beforehand! There may not be much opportunity to restock on fuel for Saturday evening, so if at all possible bring beverages for both nights! 

What about the kayaking I hear you ask?!?
Friday morning/afternoon sees UCDCC’s whitewater paddlers and canoe polo team starting off the weekend. The whole club will then join up Friday evening with all the other College clubs for some social drinks  evil.gif
On Saturday morning is the long distance event, which is open to absolutely everyone - of all skills and fitness. No hangover is too great! Then we’ll all head over to watch the freestylers do their thing in the afternoon!
Sunday is another day of paddling for everyone!’s the BoaterX….an event that sees paddlers race each other down a section of water with little (or no) rules  ;)  :o

Throughout the weekend a Banter League competition will be run, which involves doing all sorts of team tasks and outrageous dares, all in the name of fun!  afro.gif let’s bring the win back home guys!!

In true kayaking style, it’s a Fancy Dress party (yes that’s costumes and face paint) for Saturday night. Note: Costumes are MANDATORY  evil.gif and competition is fierce!! In general the wackier and tackier the better !! This year’s theme is Fiesta Mexicana. Rumour has it a number of UCDCC paddlers are going as a Mexican Wave! ;-)

The cost of the trip is just €50, which covers your buses, two nights’ accommodation, breakfast both mornings, entry to all of your kayaking events plus all the gear you need!!
As ever pack plenty of warm/old clothes/shoes for kayaking (for TWO/THREE days).  Rule Numero One: NEVER wear clothes made of COTTON material. Anything made of fabrics starting with ‘poly-‘ are usually a great bet! Bring your own wetsuit if you have one. Tights are great, even on guys ;-) Any fleecy tops or bottoms are really nice too. Old shoes or small cheap pairs from Penneys (€3 or so) are really important.
Here’s your essential guide to staying warm on any and every river trip:,10222.0.html

The money can be paid to ANY committee member at any pool session or send one of us lovely committee members a text. Paying is the ONLY way of securing your place and we do need to know numbers as soon as possible…..READY, STEADY, GO.!Find the committee members mobile numbers here:

Who's in? Sink or swim.
P.S. If you can at all give us an idea of what events you'll be doing and whether you need accomodation and bus transport.

Car Lifts
1. Kieran [WW Rescue]
2. Ross [WW, polo, Freestyle]
3. Ailbhe [WW, polo, LD]
4. Niall [WW, polo, LD]
5. Diarmuid [WW, polo, LD, Freestyle]
6. Peter [WW Shadow, LD, Freestyle, BoaterX]

1. Justin [polo, LD]
2. Matt [polo, LD]
3. Evan [polo, LD, BoaterX]
4. Naddy [polo, LD, BoaterX]
5. Steve [polo, LD, BoaterX]
6. Yvette [polo, LD, BoaterX]
7. Derv [Freestyle, BoaterX]
8. Andrew L [LD, BoaterX]
9. Niamh L
10. Dani
11. Claire

1. Aisling [LD, BoaterX]
2. Simon [LD, BoaterX]
3. Aoife
4. Andy J [LD, BoaterX]
5. Zog [LD, BoaterX]
6. Helen[LD, BoaterX]
7. Adam [LD, BoaterX]
8. Anna May [LD]
9. Catie [LD]
10. Cormac [LD, BoaterX]
11. Deividas
12. Greg [LD, BoaterX]
13. Jacqui [LD, BoaterX]
14. Johannes [LD, BoaterX]
15. John [LD, BoaterX]
16. Mathhew [LD, BoaterX]
17. Mike [LD, BoaterX]
18. Nikki [LD, BoaterX]
19. Paul [LD, BoaterX]
20. Rory [LD, BoaterX]
21. Sara G [LD, BoaterX]
22. Sarah D [LD]
23. Niamh D [LD]
24. Jamie [LD, BoaterX]
25. Dave Q [LD, BoaterX]
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 14:36:32 by Vettie »

Offline Andy J

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 14:25:36 »
Long distance and boater X.

Will be on the bus.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 14:34:43 by Andy J »

Offline Poopy Dick

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 14:27:22 »
Yup shtick my name down there. Doing long distance and boaterX will need accommodation and not sure about the bus yet

Offline Jocano

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 14:36:02 »
all the gear you need!!

Do we have to bring our own needles though?

Anyhow, I'm in! Long distance and BoaterX i shuppose..

Offline Scabidas

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 14:59:18 »
I'll be there! Doing precisely fuck all..

Offline NadineJones

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2015, 17:39:33 »

Offline Poohy

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 18:20:51 »
Ailbhe ( Whitewater, Polo, LD) car

Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2015, 18:23:21 »
Peter (LD, freetyle and not sure what else)

Is there a programme for the weekend. I've no idea whats happening when.

Offline Poohy

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2015, 18:28:16 »
Whitewater starts at 8am friday morning, polo starts at 11am friday morning, LD starts at 8am saturday morning then freestyle is after that, BoaterX is sunday at i have no idea what time :)

Me thinks anyway

Offline DervM

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 19:57:52 »
Ehhh, I think I'm doing freestyle and boaterx? I'll be driving from Limerick with two boats, but will most likely want two nights accommodation (do I need to buy myself Canoeing Ireland membership?)

Offline kmck

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2015, 21:23:27 »
Driving, Biosecurity and rescue I believe

Offline aisling-kayak-conlan

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2015, 22:45:24 »
Hey Guys,
I'll go down Friday night and back on Sunday (2 nights accom), racing Long distance HP and Boater Cross.
I can drive down if needed and space for 3 and gear, otherwise I'll jump on this bus 😊

Offline Kerry Gold

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2015, 20:05:15 »
 afro.gif is doing LD, BoaterX he guesses, will be getting the bus with ye all for the weekend.

Offline Niall Finch

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2015, 17:07:51 »
Finch; Polo, LD and WW. Would like a bed/moderately comfortable floor.

Offline SarahDaniell

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Re: Intervarsities February 6-8th :-D
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2015, 18:00:50 »
Ok I'm in! I'd love a bed and a seat on the bus. I'll enter any event which requires no kayaking skills.
I can bring the money on Wednesday night.