It's time to get the banter parade going with our annual Freshers Trip

This year we will be setting off to the far flung shores of Fundoran in Co. Donegal!!!
The banter parade will begin on
Friday 9th October where we will meet in the UCD Clubhouse at
6pm for some pre-Bundoran beverages(left behind trophy cabinet). We'll be setting off at
6:30pm where the session will continue right through the weekend. We'll be returning to UCD on Sunday to watch the big Ireland vs. France game in the UCD Clubhouse. Get your best
Fancy Dressout for the Saturday night😬( fancy dress is not a term we take lightly)
So you aren't left disappointed get your
€50 to a committee member
ASAP to secure your place

This can be given at lunch times, any pool sessions or otherwise give one of the committee members a text. Our numbers are here:
Boat-Packing will be taking place on
Friday 9th between
12-3pm at the UCD boathouse. Pop over between these times to claim your gear for the weekend and to help pack the trailer("such fun"!!!). If you can't make the pack then give Evan a text otherwise you will be boatless and gearless for the whole weekend
What to Bring:• Money for any snacks, chocolate, alcohol, or last minute costume props you may need ;-)
• For kayaking: Warm clothes!!!! (avoid cotton at all costs! It makes you very, very cold when you’re wet). Anything made out of 'poly-' materials is a good bet! Fleeces are great! Fleecy pyjamas are even better! Tights make a good layer, especially to pop over your fleecy layers before trying to put on a wetsuit (even the lads should consider investing!!) If you have a wetsuit bring it! If not, the club has a small selection of them...try to get to the boathouse on time to get first pick!
You can never, ever have enough layers!!! Remember to bring enough gear for TWO days' paddling.
So here’s your essential guide to keeping nice and toasty on the river ;,10222.0.html • A pair of old shoes! (Or wet booties if you have them). The water is going to be low (on the beach), and those stones really aren't the most fun!! If you don't have a pair, pop into your local Penneys or Tesco and pick up a pair of cheap shoes!
• Towel(s) and warm, dry clothes for both days!
NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.
If you have any questions at all feel free to email!!!
Who's ready for Banterful Bundoran

1) Andy J
2) Rory (pay on arrival)
3) Steve
4) Ailbhe paid
5) John E paid
6) Greg paid
7) Simon

9) Donagh
10) Ross
11) Sara paid
12) Roisin(pay on Wednesday)
13) Niamh D paid
14) Eoin S
15) Evin paid
16) Jacqui paid
18)Mallory paid
19) Orna paid
20) Derv instructor
21) Anna-May
22) Ailbhe C paid
23) Ailbhe N paid
24) Caren McH Paid
25) Maria McG(paid)
26) Grace G paid
27) Felipe Y
28) Zog
29) Muireann O paid
30) Aoife S
31) Dearbhla (pay at pool)
32) Alan paid
33) cormac Spain paid
34) Kelsey paid
35) Cormac R
36) Finch
37) Eleonore le lu paid
39) James h paid
40) Roisin H (pay tomorrow)
41) Brian
42 denis instructor
43) Aoife W
44) Deividas