Author Topic: many many things  (Read 12078 times)

Offline meabh

  • Posts: 192
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many many things
« on: February 24, 2004, 09:34:17 »
maybe i should compile a list of whats not mine maybe thatd be quicker:
ok here goes:

1)a really kool pink hat with little devil horns on it (i really want it back coz i really like it)

2)a pair of jeans....possibly left in the hostel, possibly in rory's car

3)a black t-shirt

4)about 5 pairs of socks

5)my phone charger

6)my boat (probably in emmets house along with my paddle)

7)a cag!! which is a really strange one....i hae the rest of my paddlin gear (in someone elses house but ive completely lost my cag!)

8)my dignity

9)my liver....way too much alcohol!

if any one finds any of the above let me particular the hat!!!!!

Offline slapper

  • Posts: 283
many many things
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2004, 11:08:16 »
I have the hat, found it in my car yesterday. You can get it back on sat.

I also found a light browny-ish coloured fleece/wool hat in my car.
Think i may also have seen a canoe club hoodie in a shopping bag which had some super-noodles and pot noodles in them (note the use of the word 'HAD' - don't expect the food back).

Offline bambi

  • Posts: 105
many many things
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2004, 12:36:56 »
Ah yes meabh, the small matter of your dignity :lol:  While you were blind drunk I robbed it to be used to blackmail you at a later date 8)  I'll let you know when I decide what I want for it - not much looking at the pityful amount that's left!!! :lol:  :lol:

Offline meabh

  • Posts: 192
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many many things
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2004, 17:44:48 »
thanks john

caoimhe ill have you know theres a substantial amount of my dignity left it just.....cant be seen by ppl who only have a shred left.....and no theres no such thing as a dignity transplant!!!!

how much do you want for has sentimental of those memories from the past.

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
many many things
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2004, 09:58:57 »
oh yeah i found your dignity there yesterday........ no wait that was one of cuff links from tuesday,  guess you'll never get it now :wink:

Offline kmck

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many many things
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 11:28:06 »
I will be down at the boathouse tomorrow; so if you have been a complete idiot and have lost all your stuff. I will be there to pass snide comments on your ability to rememder how to put your clothes in a bag.
yes submission date and I am nearly there.