Hey guys, so hopefully I have included everything here. If I have forgotten anything, please don't hesitate to let me know or if ye have any questions, fire away!
Friday:Polo Registration Thursday evening
starts at 7am
Our Matches (pool C ):
UCD V Trinity @ 7:50
UCD V WIT @ 11:10
UCD V CIT @ 2:30
Semi-final 1 : Winner pool A V pool B
Semi-final 2: Winner pool C V pool D
3rd/4th play off: 6 pm
Final: 6:30 pm
Slalom: Registration Thursday evening.
Starts at 9 am
UCD kick off at 1:40pm and have until 2pm to complete the run for 10 people.
- 2 mins to complete the run
- 100-200 m course with 12-18 gates
- miss a gate is a 1 min penalty and hit a gate is a 30 sec penalty (so dont fuck up
) - top 6 runs are counted, must be at least 2 girls and 2 guys in top 6
It looks like there is enough time for people on the slalom and polo teams to get back to the polo pitch in time. JUST ABOUT!
White Waterregistration @ 8am at GMIT mayo campus
Safety are to meet at the college at
7:30am Racers must be
geared and ready to leave the college by
8amUCD are scheduled to race last.
Transport is provided for the team to the river. There is no parking at the river.
Delay of 1 min between each competitor.
Race will be stopped if there is an issue on the 5 steps.
There will be a restart or adjustments made if there is an issue on 5 steps.
you CAN swim across the finish.
A safety boater MUST be provided by each club, penalties will apply if none provided.
DNS = slowest time + 3mins
DNF = slowest time + 2mins
Freestyle:Registration @ 1pm
Briefing @ 1:30 pm
Start @ 2pm
UCD start @ 4:30pm
You must access the feature from Upstream. You have 2 mins each (8 mins per team).
The 4 team members scores are combined to give the overall team score.
Once a competitor flushes, their run ends and the next competitor begins their run.
the score sheet is attached (hopefully

Sunday:Long Distance
Registration @ 10am
Start @ 11am
Everyone is competing in this!
categories we are entering:
K1 Mens: Start @ 10 am .. Race colour yellow .. 5Km
Mens and Womens HP: Start @ 10 am .. Race colour Yellow .. 5Km
C2: Start @ 10:20 .. Race Colour Green .. 2.5Km
Duo: Start @ 10:20 .. Race colour Green .. 2.5Km
GP Mens: Start @ 10:30 .. Race Colour Blue .. 1Km
GP Womens: Start @ 10:40 .. Race Colour Red .. 1Km
There must be at least 3 colleges in each category in order for it to count.
Colleges must provide a ratio of 1:10 for safety boaters.
This means we need at least 4.
"The long distance will be timed by electronic tags attached to paddlers helmets!!!
the course will be re-jig on the day to suit the weather conditions."
TEAMSPOLO1) Matt Flood
2) Justin Cullinane
3) Ailbhe Tuohy
4) Yvette Schutten
5) Naddy Jones
6) Diarmuid Ryan
7) Evan O'Keeffe

ROss Kerrigan
9) Simon Grennell
10) Greg Healy
8 people must be nominated by the captain before each match.
Slalom 1) Matt Flood
2) Diarmuid Ryan
3) Niall Finch
4) Greg Healy
5) Cian Goodrich
6) Aisling Conlan
7) Ailbhe Tuohy

Sara Griffen
9) Niamh Delaney
10) Aoife Sheridan
White Water1) Niall Finch
2) Simon Grennell
3) Cormac Roche
4) Derv McAuley
Safety: Dave Zog Mullrooney and Kieran McKevitt
Safety are to meet at the college at
7:30am Racers must be
geared and ready to leave the college by
8amRunning order to be posted on bookface page
Freestyle1) Ross Kerrigan
2) Simon Grennell
3) Cormac Roche
4) Derv McAuley
Long DistanceK1: Simon Grennell and Jack O'Hagan
HP: Wavehopper - Zog
Lawerence - Evan or Cian (depending if Evan fits)
GOla Sprint - Aisling Conlan
Duo: Cormac and Finch
C2: Deividas and Nicola
GP: everyone else.
Safety boaters: Rory O'Connor, Kieran McKevitt, Andrew Lynam
and one more 
I think we might be good for this.. we have 30 signed up!
Boat PackThe boat pack for the Long Distance GP boats will be on Thursday from 2:30 - 4:30. Ye know the drill