Club Champs this year is on the 16th and 17th of April in Clondara, Co. Longford
The cost for entering for the weekend is only €20!!
There is camping allowed at the Clondara Harbour.
With regards to nights out and partying, it promises to be a great weekend as the Longford Blueway festival is going to be on that weekend, with busking festivals and even better... FOOD festivals!

EVERYONE should enter!
provisional event guide:Saturday AM Slalom – Cloondara
Sprint – Tarmonbarry
Saturday PM Wild Water Racing – Cloondara
Polo – Clondara Harbour (All Day)
Sunday AM Surf – Sligo
Polo – Semi’s & Finals
Sunday PM Freestyle – Tarmonbarry/Cloondara
Marathon Race – Camlin River
Who is interested?Please state what events you wish to participate in

1) Ailbhe - Slalom?, Polo, Surf?, Marathon?2) Greg - Polo, surf?3) Andy - Slalom, Polo, Freestyle, Marathon
4) Naddy - Surf, Polo5) rory? (maybe) - surf, slalom, Wild water?
6) cormac
7) Evan -Polo, Wild water, Marathon

Diarmuid (maybe) - polo and Slalom