Tips from Billy who went last year:
Cool, so if I was to go again I would do the following:
Book flights with Turkish or Brussels air if possible, and make sure my flight arrived in the daytime
Get the pineapple express to the NRE Campsite ( not hostel)
If there is more than two of you running the river pay a car for shuttle instead of bodas
So paddling wise start at superhole just to get used to it
Maybe run the river with the rafts or ask another paddler to show you the lines
Get used to big water in a playboat before you run the big rapids
Go RIGHT on Kalagala ( little tip there)
The lemon is more expensive but its literally paradise, you stay there to surf special, make sure you give yourself a good bit of time there, as you'll need it to learn the wave and logistics getting there are a pain
NRE is a good place to pick up advice, the kayak the Nile crew are awesome, and Sam is the man if you want a training day, maybe a few days in is the best time
Oh buy a Ugandan phone and I'll try think of more
Take large amounts of money out in town as there are very few ATM's, and expect little to no Internet