General > Competitions and Training


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Can't ice-skate:
So I'll be organising a REC 3 for around the end of August/start of September.

Who's interested!?

For anyone who doesn't know it's basically a first aid qualification that lasts for 3 years, really good thing to have.

Probably be a weekend course (Friday to Sunday). Nothing confirmed yet but just need to gauge interest.

Niamh Delaney:
Would definitely be interested! Would need to be a weekend thing for me to go though, cause placement ...

Or like done before the weekend of the 29th ...

You've my interest for now, anyway  

sara griffin:
I'd be interested. Again I'll have placement so would have to be a weekend for me.

Interested but have a wedding the last weekend in august

Kerry Gold:
interested, but i imagin id be busy when the time came


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