Author Topic: FRESHERS TRIP  (Read 29093 times)

Offline ailbhe.c95

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« on: September 28, 2017, 00:11:19 »
It's that time of year again everybody! Who's excited for one of the highlights of the year!
Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Lahinch.

The banter begins on Friday the 6th of October at 5pm in the Student Bar for some pre-Lahinch-tipples. You'll find us to the left of bar as you come in the door.
We'll be saying goodbye to UCD at 5:45pm and hello to the session train for the rest of the weekend.
Attempts at sanity, normality and sobriety shall only be accepted once we return to UCD once again on Sunday evening.

So you aren't left disappointed get your €60 to a committee member ASAP to secure your place. Let me reassure you that this is incredible value for a whole weekend away. Committee will be accepting money  at lunch times, any pool session.

The weekend is to include:
- The banter bus to Lahinch on Friday followed by a good ol' fashioned UCDCC fresher's-warming party
- An afternoon of surf kayaking on Saturday
- Get your Fancy Dress ready for the session on Saturday night! (We take fancy dress very seriously    afro.gif and any dry shites will be made to feel awkward, uncomfortable and no-craic)
-  A hangover cure shall be provided on Sunday by the way of more surf kayaking

- Breakfast will be provided on both mornings and dinner will be cooked by our in house chefs on Saturday night.

Now, in case your mammy is no longer packing your suitcase, please bring:

•   Money for any snacks, chocolate, alcohol, or last minute costume props you may need  :police:

•   For kayaking: Warm clothes!!!! (avoid cotton at all costs! It makes you very, very cold when you’re wet). Anything made out of 'poly-' materials is a good bet!  Fleeces are great! Fleecy pyjamas are even better! Tights make a good layer, especially to pop over your fleecy layers before trying to put on a wetsuit (even the lads should consider investing!!) If you have a wetsuit bring it! If not, the club has a small selection of them...try to get to the boathouse on time to get first pick!

You can never, ever have enough layers!!! Remember to bring enough gear for TWO days' paddling.
So here’s your essential guide to keeping nice and toasty on the river ;,10222.0.html

•   A pair of old shoes! (Or wet booties if you have them). The water is going to be low (on the beach), and those stones really aren't the most fun!! If you don't have a pair, pop into your local Penneys or Tesco and pick up a pair of cheap shoes!

•   Towel(s) and warm, dry clothes for both days!

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Lahinch to do a capsize drill and swim test.

If you have any questions at all feel free to email!!!

Soooooo who's signing up!?!?!?!

1. Ailbhe C
2. Ailbhe 4
3. John E
4. Shanley
5. John F
6. Mark
7. Evie
8. Jonathan
9. Deividas
10. Gilles
11. Simon
12. Muireann
13. Marine
14. Sara
15. Rebecca
16. Niamh
17. Jessica
18. Nikki
19. Andy
20. Jacqui
21. Emma
22. Greg
23. Jen
24. Ross
25. Ailbhe T
26. Luke
27. Iris
28. Helena
29. Johanna
30. Kate
31. Cathal
32. Aine
33. Yvette
34. Rory
35. Cian B
36. Fiona
37. Lisa
38. Micheal
39. Aisling
40. Karl
41. Jessica
42. Orla
43. Cian G
44. Ciara C
45. Adam
46. Aoife W
47. Thomas
48. Rachel
49. Simon D
50. Jack L
51. Cathal
52. Beb

« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 23:47:32 by Number 4 »

Offline Scabidas

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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 00:15:45 »
Yep! Although I don't finish work till 5:30..

Offline ShakaShaw

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« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2017, 00:16:36 »

Offline gilles

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« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2017, 00:26:14 »

Offline DJ Evie

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« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 00:28:05 »
Ahhhhhh so exciting and excited!!

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Offline Poopy Dick

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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 01:12:06 »
Woo, stick my name down. I however will be on the banter bus to lahinch 😜
- The banter bus to Tramore on Friday followed by a good ol'...

Offline Worm

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« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2017, 07:48:10 »
Shout out to Ailbhe C for the honourable quotes ;)

Muireann wants to come!

Offline ailbhe.c95

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« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2017, 08:21:10 »
Oh yeah stole the Joel thing from Muireann, much appreciated 😏

Offline marinevenus

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« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2017, 08:40:00 »
Yes ! 🛶, Marine

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Offline sara griffin

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« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2017, 10:00:50 »
Yes plzzzzzzzzzzz afro.gif

Offline Becca B

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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2017, 10:05:27 »
It's that time of year again everybody! Who's excited for one of the highlights of the year!
Fresher's this year is going to take us to the exotic coast of Lahinch.

The banter begins on Friday the 76h of October at 5pm in the Student Bar for some pre-Lahinch-tipples. You'll find us to the left of bar as you come in the door.
We'll be saying goodbye to UCD at 5:45pm and hello to the session train for the rest of the weekend.
Attempts at sanity, normality and sobriety shall only be accepted once we return to UCD once again on Sunday evening.

So you aren't left disappointed get your €60 to a committee member ASAP to secure your place. Let me reassure you that this is incredible value for a whole weekend away. Committee will be accepting money  at lunch times, any pool session.

The weekend is to include:
- The banter bus to Tramore on Friday followed by a good ol' fashioned UCDCC fresher's-warming party
- An afternoon of surf kayaking on Saturday
- Get your Fancy Dress ready for the session on Saturday night! (We take fancy dress very seriously    afro.gif and any dry shites will be made to feel awkward, uncomfortable and no-craic)
-  A hangover cure shall be provided on Sunday by the way of more surf kyaking

- Breakfast will be provided on both mornings and dinner will be cooked by our in house chefs on Saturday night.

Now, in case your mammy is no longer packing your suitcase, please bring:

•   Money for any snacks, chocolate, alcohol, or last minute costume props you may need  :police:

•   For kayaking: Warm clothes!!!! (avoid cotton at all costs! It makes you very, very cold when you’re wet). Anything made out of 'poly-' materials is a good bet!  Fleeces are great! Fleecy pyjamas are even better! Tights make a good layer, especially to pop over your fleecy layers before trying to put on a wetsuit (even the lads should consider investing!!) If you have a wetsuit bring it! If not, the club has a small selection of them...try to get to the boathouse on time to get first pick!

You can never, ever have enough layers!!! Remember to bring enough gear for TWO days' paddling.
So here’s your essential guide to keeping nice and toasty on the river ;,10222.0.html

•   A pair of old shoes! (Or wet booties if you have them). The water is going to be low (on the beach), and those stones really aren't the most fun!! If you don't have a pair, pop into your local Penneys or Tesco and pick up a pair of cheap shoes!

•   Towel(s) and warm, dry clothes for both days!

NB if you have not been at a pool session you must attend one before going to Bundoran to do a capsize drill and swim test.

If you have any questions at all feel free to email!!!

Soooooo who's signing up!?!?!?!

1. Ailbhe C
2. Ailbhe 4
3. John E
4. Shanley
5. John F
6. Mark
7. Evie
8. Jonathan
9. Deividas
Sign me up!

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Offline Niamh Delaney

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« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2017, 10:39:36 »

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Offline jesself

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« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2017, 11:24:28 »
Sign me up! Jessica

« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2017, 11:30:55 »
Definitely in!


Offline Andru93

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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2017, 12:01:23 »
Boats have to get down somehow :P