Author Topic: Improvements in facilities  (Read 23991 times)

Offline johnf95

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Improvements in facilities
« on: April 19, 2018, 13:47:36 »
The following is an email from Suzanne Bailey:

“As you may be aware there are plans currently being progressed to upgrade and expand the provision of both indoor and outdoor sports facilities on campus.

The Director of Student Services & Facilities, Mr. Dominic O’Keeffe, is leading this project and he has asked the AUC to invite club representatives to attend at a briefing meeting with him next Wednesday 25th April at 5.30p.m. in the Red Room, UCD Student Centre.

The purpose of this meeting is to give clubs an overview of the plans at present and allow clubs an opportunity to input into development of these plans. 

This is your clubs chance to have your say on what you believe your sport needs in UCD in terms of facilities.  It is really important that all clubs are represented at this meeting.  While those involved in the AUC may have an idea of what you require, we are not experts in your sport.  You are.  Therefore, please ensure you have at least one committee member present at the meeting.

I look forward to seeing your club next Wednesday at 5.30p.m.  Should you have any queries regarding this meeting please do not hesitate to contact me.”

I’ll be attending the meeting. If anyone would like to join or has suggestions comment them below and they’ll be passed on

« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 18:54:22 by johnf95 »

Offline Seery57

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 14:11:32 »
The following is an email from Suzanne Bailey:

“As you may be aware there are plans currently being progressed to upgrade and expand the provision of both indoor and outdoor sports facilities on campus.

The Director of Student Services & Facilities, Mr. Dominic O’Keeffe, is leading this project and he has asked the AUC to invite club representatives to attend at a briefing meeting with him next Wednesday 25th April at 5.30p.m. in the Red Room, UCD Student Centre.

The purpose of this meeting is to give clubs an overview of the plans at present and allow clubs an opportunity to input into development of these plans. 

This is your clubs chance to have your say on what you believe your sport needs in UCD in terms of facilities.  It is really important that all clubs are represented at this meeting.  While those involved in the AUC may have an idea of what you require, we are not experts in your sport.  You are.  Therefore, please ensure you have at least one committee member present at the meeting.

I look forward to seeing your club next Wednesday at 5.30p.m.  Should you have any queries regarding this meeting please do not hesitate to contact me.”

I’ll be attending the meeting. If anyone would like to join or has suggestions comment them below and they’ll be passed on

I don’t mind attending aswell to help back you up on points and stuff if you would like I’ll be Around anyway before pool.

Offline Poohy

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 20:05:08 »
Propose a Kayaking erg in the team gym, at least one anyways. Then also propose some drop down goals from the rafters in the pool for polo.

Offline Poopy Dick

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2018, 20:15:05 »
Propose a Kayaking erg in the team gym, at least one anyways. Then also propose some drop down goals from the rafters in the pool for polo.

Gonna write out all the reason we should get an erg or two in a bit

Offline Seery57

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2018, 10:10:01 »
Was suggesting last night buying a goal or net that could be easily dissembled like a baseball net or something but leave it by poolside ? We could work out a design or search

Offline kmck

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2018, 12:29:38 »
A pony, that is all

Offline Mark Hoare

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Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2018, 08:11:41 »
Propose a Kayaking erg in the team gym, at least one anyways. Then also propose some drop down goals from the rafters in the pool for polo.

There are two of them in sport science but we have no access to them. Only rob and aisling, so yeah id like to see one for us in te team gym

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Offline Mark Hoare

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2018, 08:13:23 »
Perhaps kayaking on the lake. Other teams are not restricted to using their pitches any time but we only get 3 hrs a week.....

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Offline Peter O'Sullivan

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2018, 10:05:28 »
Slightly off topic but could they get rid of the speed ramp on the way in near Newstead as it fecks up the trailer?

The lake water quality is probably fine, better than the Liffey and a millions times cleaner than the Dodder. So there is no reason we can't paddle on the lake. It is tested annually, I asked the lady who used to do the testing (Kim Cody from Minerex Enviromental Ltd.) Ask building services they might have some of the reports.

Offline JonnyÓB

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2018, 12:30:05 »
Second being able to use the lake


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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2018, 15:13:10 »
Propose a Kayaking erg in the team gym, at least one anyways. Then also propose some drop down goals from the rafters in the pool for polo.

Yass!!!  8) 8)
Probably a big ask but what about another building/shed to replace the containers?

Offline Poopy Dick

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2018, 19:35:58 »
This year is the first year we have won the kayaking intervarsities since 1992, notably only our second time on record. Over the most recent years we have tried to focus a bit more on training towards varsity events. Specifically, three years ago we started our weekly gym sessions with the aim of building kayaking muscles and to introduce some prehab to reduce kayaking related injuries. This has been a huge success, which really tells us that kayakers are very interested in doing kayak specific training whether it be to improve their competitive ability or just to be fitter while paddling recreationally.

The two overall best (possibly better word than "best" here) competing clubs in varsities are NUIG and UL, with 15 and 12 wins to their names respectively. Their ability to perform well at varsities is correlated to their access to kayaking facilities. These two colleges ave some of the best whitewater and freestyle rivers in Ireland, but more notably they have excellent facilities within their campus grounds.

Both kayak clubs have polo goals in the pool, which they can erect at any of their pool sessions. Specifically, UL can set these goals up on any of the three pool session they hold during the week. These goals are of very good quality, and the Munster Canoe Polo League is held in the UL pool every year (which we have been attending for the past two years). Polo is generally a discipline that our club is quite competitively strong in, and is always enjoyed by all. This academic year, we were able to enter two polo teams in the Dublin Canoe Polo League for the first time in several years. To be able to purchase and place polo goals (or at least one goal) in the UCD pool, even for one night a week, would in my opinion inject a huge amount more interest and skill into the discipline.

The most notable feature both clubs have however, is a boathouse right on the waterside. This alone gives them to ability to train on the water during the week with ease. This is definitely the main reason they do well in varsities every year. Specifically, prior to UL having built their boathouse in September 2009 they had only won varsities 4 times. Then from 2010 to 2017, UL won all 8 intervarsity titles.

Although asking for a waterside boathouse might be a bit too much, asking for the ability to train daily with ease would be ideal. With that, our club would love to have access to kayak ergos. Not only would this give us access to train daily, but we could also easily teach paddling technique far more easily. This is clearly a good alternative, as UCD's kayak Ad Astra scholars use these in the high performance gym too.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 11:03:02 by Poopy Dick »

Offline kmck

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2018, 10:53:22 »
which they can rectify at any of their pool sessions

Offline Poopy Dick

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2018, 11:02:36 »
which they can rectify at any of their pool sessions
Yes  ;D

Offline Scabidas

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Re: Suggestion on improvements in facilities
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2018, 15:22:17 »
But is it really erect if it comes down from the ceiling  ;D