OHHHHHHHHHH BABYYYYY, its that time of the year, its the trip you have all been waiting for, it is NOT the liffey but instead the INNY

YES its our first river trip that isn't on the liffey so make sure to come along and enjoy all the paddling banter !!!!!!!!!
When: Sunday 21st October 2018
Where: Inny river Longford
PLAN OF ACTION: Meet at the boat house at 10am. Pack up the trailer and hit the road!
If you don't know where the boat house is, it's on Google maps!:
https://goo.gl/maps/e5witrtJsjD2 or
one of our committee members will be at the UCD Pool entrance at 9:45am and will bring you over!
What to bring:
€10! This covers the cost of the bus and instructors
• Warm clothes!!!!
(avoid cotton at all costs! It makes you very, very cold when you’re wet). Anything made out of 'poly-' materials is a good bet! Fleeces are great! Fleecy pyjamas are even better! Tights make a good layer, especially to pop over your fleecy layers before trying to put on a wetsuit (even the lads should consider investing!!) If you have a wetsuit bring it! If not, the club has a small selection of them...try to get to the boathouse on time to get first pick!
You can never, ever have enough layers!!!
So here’s your essential guide to keeping nice and toasty on the river ;
http://forum.ucdcanoeclub.com/index.php/topic,10222.0.html• A pair of old shoes! (Or wet booties if you have them). For this trip socks won’t work...the water is going to be low, so if you come out of the boat, you'll be stepping on rocks (which is not fun in socks!) If you don't have a pair, pop into your local Penneys or Tesco and pick up a pair of cheap shoes!
• Towel and warm, dry clothes for afterwards!
• Some hot stuff! Flasks of tea, soup, hot blackcurrant...they'll all be much appreciated on the bus home!! And chocolate bars or cereal bars!! Nothing better than some sugar after a fun day on the water (avoid things that aren't in wrappers though, cause you won’t want to wait to wash your hands before eating them!).
Please ensure you have been to at least one pool session before signing up so we know you have completed your swim test!
Otherwise you'll have to do your swim test in the river...
Sign-up strictly closes at 12:00PM Thursday afternoon. Any late sign-ups will be placed on a waiting list.
Please be reminded that if you sign-up and do not turn up for the trip without good notice, a charge of €5 will be applied.
NOTE TO EVERYONE: make sure to check on the day if post trip pints apply
1. JVL
2. Cian B
3. John F
4. Shanley
17. Becca
5. Jaqcui
6. Cathal G
7. Cahal M
16. Dan
8. Adam Romans
9. Jonas the German fuck
11. Ming Hey
10. Melinda
12. Luke
13. Rami no show
14. Sarthak no show
15. Kirsten
18. Evan no show
19. Ben