Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes 19/20  (Read 35406 times)

Offline Bláthnaid

  • Committee 19/20
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  • Posts: 38
Committee Meeting Minutes 19/20
« on: April 24, 2019, 15:51:51 »
Minutes 23/4/19


- Everyone present
- Everyone set as admins for the facebook
- Committee looked at rocks from Germany
- Considering setting Conor as admin on forum
- Check where people’s IP address is from before approving them for forum
- Probably do the trips away the same weekends as last year.
- Prelim dates Freshers - Oct 11th, Colours-Nov 8th/15th
- Lahinch for freshers
- Considering Bundoran for Colours, a house for each college
- Cian is so funny
- 10 for pool for the whole semester for committee
- Jonathan is happy with the price reduction for committee for trips from €60 to €40
- A minimum of 60% attendance for river trips, try attend as many pool sessions as possible, try attend 100% of - the trips away (Conor is unavailable for Merry Kerry)
- Try be at boathouse on wednesday at 8:30
- Contact owners of unused private boats, if they don’t come and collect the boats they will be put into club rotation
- Meabh’s sponsors have provided aqua packs
- Conor Healy - polo competition
- Have a look in the drive at the grant restrictions from 17/18
- Polo at the pool doesn’t work because we can’t have two matches at a time, and people can’t drink
- If someone does copy a key, their gear will be removed from the boathouse. If a second incident happens, the key list will be scrapped and their gear will also be removed.
- Buy new paddles so that we don’t have to carry them to and from pool
- You can’t claim any instructor money without proving he’s tax compliant (tax cert, payroll, etc.)
- Talk to suzanne about the grant forms for having the instructor on payroll/how to prove if he is tax compliant
- Give Simon the current instagram password
- Sync your calendar to the canoe club one (try not to sync your private one with everyone else’s)

- Sort out private boat issues
- Jonathan will be late to the BH cleanup so be vigilant with inventory
- Get a good permanent marker
- None of the new polo gear is to go in the pool
- Paddles
- Organise a skip


- Book Kerry ASAP
- Try get quotes for the other trips buses

- Look into grants for equipment
- We can only claim for competitions
- Find someone who has money and spend it
- Set up the google sheet for the grant

- Sort out the membership cards

- Go to Jayo in advance to organise the river trips
- Look into shackletons for instructors
- Safety statement

- Club development plan
- Apply earlier for the BOI and ask for more money than you need
- Consult Emma or Rebecca for the BOI
- Take lots of photos of the polo gear, anything with our sponsors name on it etc.
- Boathouse clean up (BBC)
- If using UCD cinema book months in Advance

- Email Suzanne in september your new committee list to gain access to the sisweb
- Save all documents, and take a screenshot of the page that has all the documents
- Ask john about kilcock man/polo goal
- Set up a meeting with suzanne to find out about Ailbhe C. and about the accounts etc.
- Bring the nomination form

Club development plan
- Rec 3 in sept. (preferably down in the IMC hut)
- Training form for grant

Handover Meeting 17/4/19
Everyone’s present
Familiarise yourself with constitution and forum
Trip this weekend? Sluice static, maybe down to Lucan (make a post, check availability)
Talk about river safety and features
Read John’s ‘how to run a river trip for dummies’ and how to run trip away & look into grant John mentioned
Everyone has their responsibilities and it’s up to you to make sure they’re done. Whether you’re there or not
WhatsApp, use this for committee things
Attendance - as long as you’re going to everything you can that’s fine.
Don’t add personal things to the calendar, and please try and use the calendar as often as possible for events.
Instructors may be hard to get on saturdays, they tend to be booked by other clubs
Committee have to be aware of people accessing bh, it is strongly recommended that the key list will be scrapped if this is being abused.
Bundoran with houses is too separate, the hostel might be a better bet. Organising the bus to and from the surf is a hassle
Trailer has to be discussed closer the time
Attendance is too wearing, organise a roster and commit to specific trips. You have to meet a minimum number of trips for the year. (though try to make as many things as you can)
Set up passwords for the accounts.
Consider getting split paddles in case someone breaks a paddle on a trip
To avoid confusion, especially coming up to freshers, let people know in the committee chat before responding to facebook messages
Tag email for whoever it’s for, mark as unread if you open an email for someone else
Colours trip with another college?
Organise a bus to junior liffey descent
Contact other clubs about river trips (potentially split the cost of transport)
New spraydecks are for polo only
Make it clear on what is included in the cost of trips
Polo wasn’t accessible at all for new members this year, aim to make it more accessible in the new term
Fresher of the week/month
For photos to be taken in the pool you need a permit
Try keep it to one committee post a day to avoid things getting lost on the page
Accounts have been signed over to the new captain, treasurer and senior treasurer
Mandate was signed

Buy at least two Aqua packs for the club
Try and make sure the bh is kept clean (especially after the ball)
BH cleanup (maybe weekend after next) - double check inventory, some numbers may need to be refreshed
Gear borrowing forms - for private trips people need to fill in a form that they’re borrowing the gear
Get onto people about taking up boat space when they have not used the boathouse in a long time
Small/medium spray decks
Milton & water buckets
Make sure that broken/unusable equipment is gotten rid of
Demand people assist you with paddles


Meeting with Emma and John - Won’t know what’s going on until then
Run down of river trip and instructor
Jayo payment
Equipment and buses, etc. need to have money taken out well in advance
BOI Sponsorship due in september

Canoeing Ireland - all the people doing assessments
Book bus for weekend?
New trip location
Asking other clubs info about their social events, river trips, trips away.
Make sure the bus man knows where to go

Instagram account login
Quarter zip?
Make sure to get lots of photos with the BOI stuff
Make sure to tag sponsors on instagram (make sure its the correct tag)
There’s a list of hashtags on google drive, make sure to use these rather than just typing it in
Try and get deals with local night clubs etc on trips
Red bull are good for sponsorships, BOI, pizza hut
Take some of the photos from emma etc. and put together an album for the public page
Website/instagram - committee profiles
Logins for the accounts
Contact mark for the logos etc.
Try to get club shirts/clothing sooner rather than later etc.
Don’t get beater

Trips sorted via mass email. Get on that for weekend
Memberships cards (preferably during the summer)
Emphasis on how important next weekend is for levels
No pool Wednesday
Fill out the form to get our stand for the freshers fair
Try and come up with something different for the emails
Make sure to post to the form/facebook pages
Use the emails to promote upcoming events
Put up a forum post about the level 3/interest in a river trip this weekend
Child’s safety!!!
Try and include fresher photos in the weekly email rather than established club members
Try keep the emails concise

Get into the people doing their levels and get them to practice. Otherwise they just won’t pass. Don’t want to waste an assessments trip.
Try and organise courses etc. well in advance
Try get people to do Liffey descent etc.

People need to know what to do when they swim
Aqua packs, important to have phones on the river (more than 1)
Read the safety section on forum
Get list of numbers and names for instructors from Shanley

Key in office
Contact the other clubs to see if there will be any interest in colours (preferably a dublin club so we can split the cost of the bus)
Talk to Suzanne about senior treasurer