Author Topic: EGM Thursday 26th October 2023 / Constitution Changes  (Read 14877 times)

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EGM Thursday 26th October 2023 / Constitution Changes
« on: October 16, 2023, 22:22:07 »
Due to increased club interest and activity in the club this year the committee has seen it fit to create a new position of freshers rep.

The proposed addition to the constitution is to read as follows:

Freshers Representative

This officer shall be responsible for promoting all club activities to the new members and communicating issues experienced by new members to the committee.
This Officer is elected at a general meeting called within two weeks of the annual Freshers trip.
Nominations for this position are taken from the floor on the night of the general meeting.
This officer must be a fully registered student to UCD for the full duration of their degree.
This Officer shall have joined the club that year, ideally.

In order for this amendment to be made two thirds of the members present and voting at the EGM must agree.

Offline ConnOG

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Re: EGM Thursday 26th October 2023 / Constitution Changes
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2023, 01:15:56 »
Proposed Amendment 1:

Section 4. Committee Structure

Current Committee Structure:
"The running of the club shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of ten members. A Senior Treasurer will act outside the committee as detailed below."

Proposed New Committee Structure:
"The running of the club shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of eleven members. A Senior Treasurer will act outside the committee as detailed below."

Section 6. Elections

Current Text:
"The election for all ten positions on the committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting

Proposed New Text:
"The election for all positions on the committee, bar the position of Fresher's Representative, shall take place at the Annual General Meeting

The purpose of these amendments is to maintain consistency in the document in the case that the above amendment is passed. A similar change was made in 2021 when the role of Entertainments Officer was added. This could be merged with the above amendment.

Proposed Amendment 2:

Current Table of Contents:

4    Committee Structure
4.1     Captain
4.2   Secretary
4.3   Treasurer
4.4   Safety Officer

Proposed New Table of Contents:

4    Committee Structure
4.1     Captain
4.2   Safety Officer
4.3   Secretary
4.4   Treasurer

The purpose of this change is to remove any ambiguity regarding voting order at the AGM as the table of contents and the actual body of the text currently differ. I've no idea the table of contents is actually part of the constitution and it may well not need an actual amendment but I've proposed it to be safe as whether Safety Officer or Secretary is elected first has been a source of confusion over the last few years and it's worth deciding on one way or another before next year's AGM. 
« Last Edit: October 17, 2023, 02:12:19 by ConnOG »