Author Topic: whole heap o'stuff  (Read 10590 times)

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
whole heap o'stuff
« on: May 16, 2004, 13:11:45 »
due to the severe drunkeness and general forgetfullness of half of ye I have a large collection of stuff left behind in my house on Friday (almost all of which was found by my mother... who know pretty much definetly knows i had a party)
1.   black coat (might be dannys? i dunno)
2.   bright pick wooly legwarmer
3.   gloves with no fingers on them, they're kind of a greeny beige colour
4.   Caoimhes entire bag of college stuff
5.   hairband with shiny flowers on it

if you own any of the above my number is 087 6459904, ring me and i'll sort out getting it back to you... if not claimed within 7 days i'm claiming salvage rights.... espeically for the hairband cos its really nice.

Offline meabh

  • Posts: 192
  • towel and tortilla on a world wide adventure
whole heap o'stuff
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 23:04:43 »
mine mine mine mine mine

no not really, hairband and 1 pink wooly leg warmer are holly's....hehehe!

see ya'll.

