Author Topic: Club Gear- Final Notice!!!  (Read 10347 times)

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
Club Gear- Final Notice!!!
« on: September 14, 2004, 18:29:46 »
Ok guys we've been searching after all the club boats and equipment for months. EVERYTHING has to be back in the boathouse by next Monday evening (the 20th), that is giving all of you almost a week to manage to make one trip to the boathouse. We seriously need everything back as the first freshers trip is that Saturday and we need to do a stock-take of gear.
If you give me a call on 087 6459904 i'll try my best to arrange a time that suits you but i'd prefer if you could try and make it on a weekday. (my drivers license has expired so it's really hard for me to get to UCD at weekends) or i'll try to get a different comittee member to meet you. Just give some notice.
Don't want to sound to moany on this but it seriously is the last notice anybody who has club gear out on loan after monday will not find us that helpful about meeting you at the boathouse next time you want to borrow something.