Author Topic: Bus o'Fun  (Read 12711 times)

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
Bus o'Fun
« on: October 27, 2004, 19:00:34 »
Hi all, we now have only 6 places left on the bus, myself and captain caoimhe have been talking and the decision has been made to reserve these places for freshers. We figure anyone that has been in the club longer than that cannot have missed our texting, e-mailing, posting on the message-board and noticeboard and telling everyone that they had to reserve their place on the bus. Freshers might not be aware they have to do this, and we really don't want to leave any of them behind on Friday.

Basically if you are a fresher please text or call me to reserve your place on 087 6459904. All others let me know if you are interested in going down and you can go on a reserve list, we really will try and get you a lift with a driver or on the bus if there's spaces left.

I'm sorry if this inconveniences any non-freshers. but it is freshers weekend and we have to make space for them on the bus o'fun! Chances are if you give me your name soon you still will get onto the bus on Friday.


On a lighter note myself and Caoimhe are currently devising the rules for a scoring league for the weekend. In a blatant bit of self-interest it has been already decided that scoring committee members counts for double (possibly triple for captain or equipment officer! :P )


  • Guest
Bus o'Fun
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 19:04:23 »
myself and Caoimhe are currently devising the rules for a scoring league for the weekend. In a blatant bit of self-interest it has been already decided that scoring committee members counts for double (possibly triple for captain or equipment officer!  )

If they end up scorin either of you they deserve triple points

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Bus o'Fun
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2004, 19:06:20 »
sacuer of milk for table 1

Offline claire

  • Posts: 183
Bus o'Fun
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 19:09:46 »
yeah meow eoghan, that hurts. you're definatly not getting triple points now, infact the decision has just been made that you are negative points. (and also mean)

Alex the Foreigner

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Bus o'Fun
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 19:34:47 »
Does this mean I start out with sextuple the amount of points? The fact that I was able to correctly use the word sextuple in a post about scoring should increase my point tally as well.

Offline kmck

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Bus o'Fun
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2004, 10:07:39 »
No the rules of fantasy scoring is as follows
1: A score within the club is one point.
2: Three scores is a relationship
3: If an individual breaks a relationship this is physio therefore worth 2 points
4: Away scores as outside the club at a club event are worth 2 points

Offline Cheesy

  • Posts: 96
Bus o'Fun
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2004, 12:40:17 »
don't forget Bruce's bonus Kieran


  • Guest
Bus o'Fun
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 10:50:49 »
Eh keiran it's not a fantasy scoring league it's an "actual" scoring league, I'd be on about a million points if it was fantasy