Author Topic: fresher packs  (Read 9315 times)


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fresher packs
« on: November 12, 2004, 15:50:13 »
hi all. The two main shops that sell equipment for kayaking have packs for people   this is one from the outdoor adventure store wich is on Abbey street.          

Nookie NKE Club Cag                â‚¬59.00

Nookie NKE 3mm Long John            â‚¬89.00

Gul 5mm Bootie               â‚¬35.00
Total                        â‚¬183.00

Intro Soft Pack Total                â‚¬149.00

There's one from the great outdoors too which is on chatham street, just beside stephens green shoppin cntre

I think it's about €130. I don't know which one is better, i'll try and have a look today and find out. You all get 10%off in the outdoor adventure store, and you might be able to get it in the great outdoors

Offline Brendino

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fresher packs
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2004, 16:41:39 »
I doubt if the 10% discount applies to the offer.


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fresher packs
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2004, 09:31:29 »
the great outdoors pack is €135 and it's a bit better, I'd recommend that you trade up to the slightly better cag, i think it's about €18 more but it will last alot longer.