Author Topic: Varsities  (Read 10503 times)

Offline bambi

  • Posts: 105
« on: February 02, 2005, 22:25:36 »
Hey all,
Well varsities is a mere 2 1/2 weeks away so the time has come to sort out some details.

The basic plan:

The polo team will head up on friday morning so that they'll be there in time for the start-up at 2pm. Can any drivers who are willing to drive up early with some of the polo team let me know soon. If anyone's planning to go up early with the polo team and needs a letter to get out of labs/practicals let me know soon and I'll do one up for you.

Everyone else will be leaving on the bus, probably meeting at the eng car-park at 4 o'clock but we'll let you know for sure nearer the time. Anyone who wants to get the bus needs to book a spot. We'll be taking €25 deposits at the pool sessions, lunches or saturday trips and unless you've paid a deposit by Mon 14th we'll assume your sorting out your own transport.

After that you need to bring paddling kit if your competing in any of the events and a costume for saturday (pretty sure the theme is still P but we might be able to convince them to change it to something new  :lol: )
The rumours of really cheap beer are probably true so don't forget to bring a stash of Sterling or you'll be really bitter.

Check out the website ( )to get news on all the events and what's going on.

Offline Aodhán

  • Posts: 18
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2005, 23:39:35 »
The rumours of really cheap beer are probably true

hehe i was out on the batter in derry last weekend pint o' the black stuff for all of a pound and seventy pence   :P

and as for the offies  :shock:

if yer looking for shiny new gear its very worthwhile taking a look in Tisos and a few other places they are generally considerably cheaper than here or at least thats been my experience in the past.

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Re: Varsities
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2005, 11:06:50 »
Quote from: "bambi"
Hey all,
The rumours of really cheap beer are probably true

we will be conducting intensive and in-depth research this weekend, just to make sure  :lol: