Author Topic: Varsities- The Low-Down  (Read 11654 times)

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Varsities- The Low-Down
« on: February 07, 2005, 15:55:56 »
ok here goes. here's what i remember from the captains and secretaries weekend:

Polo:held on friday in the pool in Queens. registration starts at 1.30pm (that means the polo team has to meet at the boathouse at 10am!!!!) matches will be held from 2.30 to 6 and then from 7.30 to 9.30

the cantine in the PEC will be open if you want to buy food, it should be relitivly cheap (but remember "eating is cheating"). the other important thing to remember is NO DRINKING AT THE POOL if people want to drink you can go to the pub. the polo competition will be shut down if people are drinking at it.

Whitewater:registration starts at 9.30, however we will be told in advance when our team is starting so we dont necessarily have to be there at 9.30. the river is just over an hour away from Belfast and since there is limited carparking at the site only the team and rescue will be going. the river is a quite short grade 3 run. Jimmy the Pav is organising it and he's gonna send me a map of the river with all the lines you want to take down it. there are 2 flat sections (which is where the race will be won/lost really), one at the start and one at the end. there are 3 main drops, the first is just a big slide (but comming up to it it just looks like a big horizon line) the second is called "the triple death" cos in really high water the hole in the middle of the first drop is no fun! then there is a big broken weir thats kinda like a big wave train. it takes about 15mins to sprint down it.

Rodeo: sunday morning starting at 9.30am. at the moment this is just a down river rodeo on a section about 100m long. the only tricks that are really possible are of the variety you can do at the S-bend on the boyne. there is a possibility that there will be a big air ramp too but currently there is a BIG insurance problem. each competitor gets two 45sec runs with the top guys and gals going into a final with two more runs each. there is loads of room for people to watch the rodeo and there will be a DJ at the site.

Long Distance: saturday afternoon starting at 2pm. long distance is on the Lagan running through the middle of Belfast. the course is 6.2km for ALL classes. there will be changing facilities at the get-in/get-out

PARTIES!!!!!!!: the most important part. the parties on friday and saturday nights will be held in the SU bar in Queens. all drinks will be £1.50 (but dont expect to get a vodka and cake for that) all weekend. for the party on saturday you have to buy a ticket for £5 (if you lose your ticket you WILL have to pay again). you will be searched going in the door so dont even try to bring booze with you (£1.50 is about €2.20 so why bother?). EVERYONE MUST BRING SOME FORM OF I.D. UCD student cards are ok buy you'll need drivers licesnce/passport otherwise. the theme for the party is still P (unfortunatly) but use your heads when making your costume (ie anyone dressed as a Provo will be beaten to a pulp then arrested, for serious!!!!!!)

Accomadation: our hostel is about 3km from the PEC (the sports hall around which most things are happening). its possible to walk from the bar to the hostel but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not get lost and just keep walking hoping to recognise something. there are quite a few places you dont want to end up in with a southern accent. Taxis are cheap (but sometimes hard to come by)

thats it. im surprised i remembered that much

Offline cristina

  • Posts: 1
Varsities- The Low-Down
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 17:54:16 »
A lot of people in orange hoodies with southern accents gettin lost in belfast. What a good idea. :roll:
Mwa ha ha

Offline bexifurr

  • Posts: 541
Varsities- The Low-Down
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 19:48:47 »
ok, 2.2oeuro a drink i can cough up, but how much is the trip? huh? huh? huh?

Offline kmck

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Varsities- The Low-Down
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 10:21:47 »
I know we need to give a deposit for 25 euro but how much in total? I can easily drink for that amount but I want to have more money for vodka and cake :roll:

Offline eoghanp

  • Posts: 322
Varsities- The Low-Down
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2005, 14:08:14 »
€50 for the bus and both nights in the hostel. €15 for each night if your not getting the bus.